Exams can be stressful, knowing how you can try to manage this stress is important. This post has tips on things to try and manage this stress. It's really important to know that you are not alone in how you are feeling and that there are people you can speak to for help and advice such as your teachers, your school nurse and your parents.

Preparing for your exams can be stressful with the pressure increasing the closer you get to them. Managing that stress can sometimes feel impossible but there are things you can try to make sure it stays manageable. Always remember that you are not alone. Things you can try include:
- Have a timetable to structure your revision time making sure you also include breaks to enjoy yourself and have time away from revision.
- Listen to music.
- Talk to someone and ask for help if you are struggling – this could be your teacher, parent or School Nurse. Or you could access support through websites such as Childline, Kooth or attend a BEAM drop in session (see services section for the drop in times in your area).
- Write down how you are feeling to help release any negative thoughts or feelings or colour in some pictures to release your creativity!
- Exercise! Whether it’s going for a walk with the dog or a family member, attending an exercise class or going for a swim. Exercise is great for your mental and physical health.
- Mindfulness – this could be doing some breathing exercises, using an app such as Smiling Mind to help you relax.
- Eating healthily – this does actually help you cope with stress and build your strength! Eating sugary food such as chocolate can make you feel tired and even more anxious – try drinking water instead of fizzy drinks to help.
- Get a good night’s sleep! It is important that you try and have a good bedtime routine. This includes finishing your revision at a reasonable time allowing you to have a warm bath or shower, get into some comfortable sleepwear and sit in a quiet area to relax with a hot drink. Try not to use your mobile phone or tablet during this time as the blue light can affect how your body manages the hormones that help you sleep.
Remember – You’ve Got This!