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Sexuality: Just The Facts

Everyone experiences attraction differently

As you grow up and develop sexual feelings, you may find you’re attracted to people of the opposite sex, people of the same sex as you, to both sexes or even none at all (and it may take a while for you to work out exactly what your feelings are).

Sexuality isn’t a choice, it’s the way someone feels inside and is natural to that person.

Experimenting and exploring

Some people know straightaway who they fancy, while others want to experiment while they are exploring their sexuality. There is no need to feel pressured into putting a label on how you feel.

For some young people, coming to terms with the fact that they might be attracted to someone of the same sex can be very difficult. There are plenty of services and online resources to help young people who are exploring their sexuality. Hurtful and negative comments can make it even harder.

If hurtful comments develop into homophobic bullying, be aware that it is now a reportable hate crime and a punishable offence.

Take a look at our LGBTQIA+ glossary here.

How to get help

Some people realise their sexuality at an early age, while others may not know until later in life. It’s normal for some young people to also be confused about their sexual identity. It can help to talk to other people who are going through the same thing. There are support groups available for LGBTQIA+ or young people who feel they need further support or advice.

You could contact:

Cross Hatch

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Find out what services are available to you in your area. Remember your school nurse is always there to give you confidential help and support.