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Knife crime facts: True or false?
There has been a lot of coverage in the news about knife crime.
It’s important that you are aware of the facts about carrying a knife, can you identify whether these statements are true or false?
Correct! It is illegal to carry a knife or offensive weapon, the police can charge you for this offense.
Incorrect! It is illegal to carry a knife or offensive weapon, the police can charge you for this offense.
Correct! Some people might think that if they carry a knife it will protect them from harm. But knives can be used against you by another person and seriously injure or kill you.
Incorrect! Some people might think that if they carry a knife it will protect them from harm. But knives can be used against you by another person and seriously injure or kill you.
true or false
If you carry a knife you are three times more likely to be a victim of a stabbing
Correct! People that carry knives are three times more likely to be stabbed compared to those who do not carry knives.
Incorrect! This is true. People that carry knives are three times more likely to be stabbed compared to those who do not carry knives.
Incorrect! As mentioned before, people who carry knives are actually more likely to be stabbed and the knife they are carrying can be used against them.
Correct! This is false. As mentioned before, people who carry knives are actually more likely to be stabbed and the knife they are carrying can be used against them.
How to get help
If you have any more questions on this area or would like to speak to somebody about this topic, have a look at the links or search for your local services in the blue box below. Alternatively you can always contact your school nurse.
w: Crimestoppers
w: Tellmi
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Find out what services are available to you in your area. Remember your school nurse is always there to give you confidential help and support.