Study recruiting children and teens

A study is recruiting children and teens aged 9 to 16 years in Nottinghamshire.

Calling all young minds for growing up and brain study!

The University of Nottingham is looking for children and teenagers aged 9 to 16 years to take part in a study to explore how body changes during early teenage affect our thinking, attention, memory and decision-making skills.

The aim of the study

Puberty represents a phase of teenage marked by significant biology, cognition and hormonal changes. Most research about how our brains work has mainly considered a person’s age in years. However, the changes happening in our bodies during early teenage years may have a more impact on our memory, attention, planning and decision-making. Since these skills are very important for everyday life, the study aims to explore if the changes that come with early teenage can cause any differences between individuals in the development of these skills.

If you are a parent or guardian and decide your child(ren) will participate in this study, they will take part in four fun computer games. They will also be asked some questions about how they are growing up and all the daily activities they enjoy.

Taking part may help scientists to learn about growing up and how brains develop. Participants will also get an inconvenience allowance for their time.

The study will take approximately 35 minutes and will be based at the School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, University Park Campus, Nottingham NG7 2RD.

To take part and for more information about this study please contact

You can also find out more along with details of parental consent via the study website.
