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Your Health Notts provides healthy lifestyle advice and tailored support for children and young people aged 4-17 years in Nottinghamshire through its FAB programme, (Food, Activity, Balance).
They run a 12 week programme delivered virtually supporting individuals to make small, sustainable changes which create long lasting positive outcomes to their health and wellbeing.
Young people are welcome to bring a friend along to the virtual sessions and they can choose how active and engaged they want to be in the sessions without any pressure. They understand that some young people prefer to listen, and others want to chat and that’s okay.
The more sessions you attend, the more chances you have to win with prizes including scented water bottles, group ice skating vouchers and trips to Alton Towers.
They have experienced nutritionists and personal trainers delivering the sessions and it’s all completely FREE!
For those that can’t attend the virtual sessions, they also offer telephone support.
All their programmes share a flexible approach that considers the individual needs, including realistic goal setting, no strict diets or exercise regimes and an emphasis on long-lasting lifestyle changes aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle after the programme.
Their aim is for you to leave the programme feeling empowered and positive about your health and wellbeing.
They also offer a stop smoking service. Their stop smoking service is free, friendly and can massively boost your chances of quitting for good. The 12-week quit programme is staffed by expert advisors who provide a range of proven methods to help you quit. They support smokers from the age of 12 years old. Their fully trained advisors give you accurate information and advice, as well as 12 weeks of Nicotine Replacement products. Quitting will improve your health whatever your age and no matter how long you have smoked.
To find out more give them a call on 0115 7722515, visit their website or follow on their socials.