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Immunisation programme for school aged children and young people.
It is important for us all to protect you in our community against a number of dangerous infectious diseases.
The National Immunisation Programme means that diseases like polio have now disappeared in the UK and this is only possible by maintaining the high vaccination rates for children and young people across our local communities. The flu vaccination programme has been extended to include all secondary school children (Years 7-11).
For more details about the local service visit
Below you will see a list of the immunisations you will be offered in school and links for further information.
The flu vaccination is a quick and simple nose spray that works the same as a flu jab.
Having the flu spray will stop the spread.
Older people and those with illnesses are most at risk if they catch flu from young people.
Flu changes all the time, so even if you have had it last year it is vital you have it again this year.
For more information visit
The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) helps protect again cancers caused by HPV these include cervical cancer, some mouth and throat cancers and some cancers of the anal and genital areas. It can also protect against genital warts.
This is offered to both boys and girls. The vaccine requires you to have 2 doses, at least 6 months apart.
For more details visit
This includes the 3 in 1 booster (tetanus, diphtheria and polio). Also MenACWY vaccine, protecting against the different strains of meningitis.
For more information visit