Nottinghamshire HAF Programme 2021

A holiday activities and food programme for the summer.

Across the summer holidays, the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme, funded by the Department for Education, will be offering free activities to children and young people in Nottinghamshire, as well as free healthy meals.

Working with partners in local district and borough councils, local schools and their own services, Nottinghamshire County Council will be offering eligible children and young people sessions across the county during summer holidays, in the weeks below:

  • Monday to Friday, August 2-6
  • Monday to Friday, August 9-13
  • Monday to Friday, August 16-20
  • Monday to Friday, August 23-27

Each eligible child or young person will be able to access 4 days provision per week. Each provider will offer:

  • One meal during the session
  • Enjoyable activities which may include creative, enriching or physical activities
  • Socialising and friendly spaces to build relationships
  • Guidance and signposting for parents and carers to support your family


Find out more about what’s happening in your area and how to sign up at: