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Digital app support for children with anxiety.
Digital support app ‘Lumi Nova’ offers support to children with anxiety living in Nottinghamshire and Nottingham City.
Lumi Nova addresses growing demand for timely intervention support that’s available on children’s terms –– digital, stigma-free, and highly interactive.
Lumi Nova is a personalised digital therapeutic game for childhood anxiety, co-designed with children, parents, NHS clinicians and experts in mental health, human-centred design and ethical gaming technology.
It empowers young minds to overcome mental health challenges and create life-long skills using immersive experiences that are self-guided, interactive and fun.
The app provides support to 7 to 12 year olds.
Lumi Nova is an MHRA-registered medical device. It is Digital Technology Assessment Criteria (DTAC) approved by NHS Digital and is also recommended by the National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE).
Children and young people using Lumi Nova will be monitored by healthcare professionals fo
r progress and improvements, and to ensure that the treatment is working and symptoms are not getting worse.
For access to Lumi Nova through BeUNotts, parents can visit: where they can complete an online referral form.