Golden Triangle of Protection

Webinars to address the attraction young people have to negative social media influencers and what to do about it.

Three webinars for different groups are to be held on the subject of Social Media – The Golden Triangle of Protection.

Broxtowe Borough Council in partnership with the University of Oxford’s Doctoral Research Fellow, Ellen Froustis will present a three-part webinar series: one for parents/carers, one for schools and one for community organisations to address the attraction young people have to negative social media influencers and what to do about it.

Every person in the life of a child is an “influencer” who plays a crucial role in developing their sense of identity, worth and vision of who they aspire to be.

During this interactive workshop, participants will consider their role in the lives of young people and identify key strategies and practices to strengthen young people’s identity, guide them to make informed internet choices, and identify “real” community members of positive influence.

Disempowering the influence of social media starts with empowering young people’s sense of self with consistent language, practices and guidance by the people who have their best interest at heart: the community of trust, care, and nurture they belong to.
Aligning efforts can form a” Golden Triangle of Protection” to keep young people safer from the harms of social media.


Parents Webinar July 8th 10:00am – 11:15am. Register here

Teachers, Schools Webinar Tuesday 9th July 3:30pm – 4:30pm. Register here.

Community Groups & Local Charities Friday 12th July 10:30am – 11:30am. Register here. 

This event is free and will be recorded.

Ellen Froustis is a Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, Rees Centre, Department of Education supporting research to improve education, policy and practice for children in social care.

She has 18+ years’ experience in education and school counselling, developing interventions and curricula to support teachers, parents and youth in schools on youth leadership development, social-emotional, restorative and trauma-informed practices.

Her service- learning work, bridging vulnerable youth with peer mentors, community role models and Nobel Peace Laureates for inclusion and positive youth development has been awarded by the Near East South Asia Council of Overseas schools, the Nobel Peace Laureate initiative- Billion Acts of Peace, the Loukoumi-Make a Difference Foundation and best practices in character education by CharacterOrg.

Ellen has a Master of Education—Special Emphasis School Counselling and a Master of Clinical Psychology.