Find Help: Nottinghamshire

Those first steps to seeking help are tough but you're in the right place. There are two main routes available to you – we can show you specialist services available in your area or we can put you in touch with your Healthy Family Team.

Healthy Family Teams

If you’re aged 11 – 19 and are worried about your health and wellbeing our Healthy Family Teams are here to help you with a wide range of issues such as Emotional health, Relationships, Self-harm, Bullying, Alcohol, Healthy eating, Drugs and Smoking and more.

Text your Healthy Family Team:
07507 329 952

If you’d like to talk to your own Healthy Family Team, use the drop down menu below to find out which team of Healthy Family Teams cover your school. It will show you all their contact details.

Find your healthy family team service
Advice Line

0300 123 5436

Ashfield Appointment Line

01623 484810

Bassetlaw Appointment Line

01777 274400

Broxtowe Appointment Line

0115 952 2412

Gedling Appointment Line

0115 993 5392

Mansfield Appointment Line

01623 484834

Newark and Sherwood Appointment Line

01636 654310

Rushcliffe Appointment Line

0115 952 9421



Advice Line

0300 123 5436



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Newark & Sherwood

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Newark & Sherwood

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Newark & Sherwood

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Advice Line

0300 123 5436

Services in your

Find out what services are available to you in your area.

What would you like help with?


Free and confidential counselling for Young People aged 11 to 25 years in Bassetlaw

Text: TALK to 07368 323945


LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire

LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire

LGBT+ Nottinghamshire offers free confidential one to one, outreach and group peer support on a weekly basis. The service is for Young People age 11-25 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Text: LGBT SUPPORT to 07761 500169

Tel: 01909 479191


Healthy Family Teams

Healthy Family Teams work with all children, young people and families aged 0 to 19, they are made up of School Nurses, Health Visitors and other health professionals. Young people aged 11 and over can get support for a range of issues such as your thoughts and feelings, your wellbeing, relationships, sexual health, alcohol or drugs, healthy eating, weight management and smoking.


Healthy Family Teams offer drop-in session for you in (or near) every secondary school.

Find your local Healthy Family Team here or text them on 07507 329 952



Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

CAMHS (or Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) support children and young people up to the age of 18 who have problems with their thoughts or feelings. For support with your thoughts or feelings you can talk to your School Nurse, GP (doctor), teacher and get support from other services too. If they think you need more help than they can offer they would refer you into CAMHS.

For more details visit:


Children's Bereavement Centre

Offers one-to-one bereavement support for children and young people aged up to 18.


Kooth online counselling

Kooth is a free online counselling service that offers emotional and mental health support for children and young people. Kooth is staffed by fully trained and qualified counsellors and available Monday to Friday from 12 noon until 10 each night, and weekends from 6pm to 10pm, 365 days a year.


Notts LGBT+ Network

Information and support to LGBT people in and around Nottinghamshire.

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 7am to 9:15pm.

Growing Up

Preparing for adulthood

Support is available for young people in Nottinghamshire to prepare them for the transition to using adult health services.

The Community Children and Young People’s service wants to support young people to enable them to become as knowledgeable as they can about their healthcare.

When you have started secondary school, it is a good time to think about the skills and knowledge you might need around accessing adult health services.

Visit for more details.

Growing Up


Free and confidential counselling for Young People aged 11 to 25 years in Bassetlaw

Text: TALK to 07368 323945

Growing Up

LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire

LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire

LGBT+ Nottinghamshire offers free confidential one to one, outreach and group peer support on a weekly basis. The service is for Young People age 11-25 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Text: LGBT SUPPORT to 07761 500169

Tel: 01909 479191

Growing Up

Healthy Family Teams

Healthy Family Teams work with all children, young people and families aged 0 to 19, they are made up of School Nurses, Health Visitors and other health professionals. Young people aged 11 and over can get support for a range of issues such as your thoughts and feelings, your wellbeing, relationships, sexual health, alcohol or drugs, healthy eating, weight management and smoking.


Healthy Family Teams offer drop-in session for you in (or near) every secondary school.

Find your local Healthy Family Team here or text them on 07507 329 952


Growing Up

Young People's Centres

Young people’s centres are spaces for young people across Nottinghamshire.

Youth workers work with young people aged 10 to 25 to promote and support personal development, social education, health and wellbeing. Young people centres offer something to do, somewhere to go and someone to talk to in the form of youth groups, mobile youth projects and events. They work with 13 to 19 year olds particularly closely.

You can find details of you local young people’s centre and what it offers on the website.

Growing Up

Kooth online counselling

Kooth is a free online counselling service that offers emotional and mental health support for children and young people. Kooth is staffed by fully trained and qualified counsellors and available Monday to Friday from 12 noon until 10 each night, and weekends from 6pm to 10pm, 365 days a year.

Growing Up

Notts LGBT+ Network

Information and support to LGBT people in and around Nottinghamshire.

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 7am to 9:15pm.

Growing Up

Outburst at Base 51

Outburst is a Youth Group for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or think that they might be. They meet at the new NGY Myplace building, Nottingham City.


Preparing for adulthood

Support is available for young people in Nottinghamshire to prepare them for the transition to using adult health services.

The Community Children and Young People’s service wants to support young people to enable them to become as knowledgeable as they can about their healthcare.

When you have started secondary school, it is a good time to think about the skills and knowledge you might need around accessing adult health services.

Visit for more details.


Healthy Family Teams

Healthy Family Teams work with all children, young people and families aged 0 to 19, they are made up of School Nurses, Health Visitors and other health professionals. Young people aged 11 and over can get support for a range of issues such as your thoughts and feelings, your wellbeing, relationships, sexual health, alcohol or drugs, healthy eating, weight management and smoking.


Healthy Family Teams offer drop-in session for you in (or near) every secondary school.

Find your local Healthy Family Team here or text them on 07507 329 952



NHS Pharmacies

All pharmacists are specially trained to recognise many common health complaints. They can give advice or, where appropriate, medicines.


Your 'FAB' Health

Your Health Notts provides healthy lifestyle advice and tailored support for children and young people aged 4-17 years in Nottinghamshire through its FAB programme, (Food, Activity, Balance).

They run a 12 week programme delivered virtually supporting individuals to make small, sustainable changes which create long lasting positive outcomes to their health and wellbeing.

Young people are welcome to bring a friend along to the virtual sessions and they can choose how active and engaged they want to be in the sessions without any pressure. They understand that some young people prefer to listen, and others want to chat and that’s okay.

The more sessions you attend, the more chances you have to win with prizes including scented water bottles, group ice skating vouchers and trips to Alton Towers.

They have experienced nutritionists and personal trainers delivering the sessions and it’s all completely FREE!

For those that can’t attend the virtual sessions, they also offer telephone support.

All their programmes share a flexible approach that considers the individual needs, including realistic goal setting, no strict diets or exercise regimes and an emphasis on long-lasting lifestyle changes aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle after the programme.

Their aim is for you to leave the programme feeling empowered and positive about your health and wellbeing.

They also offer a stop smoking service. Their stop smoking service is free, friendly and can massively boost your chances of quitting for good. The 12-week quit programme is staffed by expert advisors who provide a range of proven methods to help you quit. They support smokers from the age of 12 years old. Their fully trained advisors give you accurate information and advice, as well as 12 weeks of Nicotine Replacement products. Quitting will improve your health whatever your age and no matter how long you have smoked.

To find out more give them a call on 0115 7722515, visit their website or follow on their socials.


Your Health Notts

Our Family weight management offer involves a tailored programme to residents aged 4-17 and is adapted accordingly. We have a range of groups, 1:1, phone and digital support options to suit you and your family! To find out more visit our website for health and wellbeing advice, recipes and support.


Change Grow Live Nottinghamshire - Children, Young People and Families

Drugs and alcohol often play a significant role in the lives of young people, whether that be curiosity, experimentation, recreational or problematic use and very infrequently, dependent use.

Change Grow Live offers a range of services nationally for young people and young adults up to the age of 25.

Facebook Change Grow Live



Healthy Family Teams

Healthy Family Teams work with all children, young people and families aged 0 to 19, they are made up of School Nurses, Health Visitors and other health professionals. Young people aged 11 and over can get support for a range of issues such as your thoughts and feelings, your wellbeing, relationships, sexual health, alcohol or drugs, healthy eating, weight management and smoking.


Healthy Family Teams offer drop-in session for you in (or near) every secondary school.

Find your local Healthy Family Team here or text them on 07507 329 952



Young People's Centres

Young people’s centres are spaces for young people across Nottinghamshire.

Youth workers work with young people aged 10 to 25 to promote and support personal development, social education, health and wellbeing. Young people centres offer something to do, somewhere to go and someone to talk to in the form of youth groups, mobile youth projects and events. They work with 13 to 19 year olds particularly closely.

You can find details of you local young people’s centre and what it offers on the website.


Leisure Centres

Nottinghamshire leisure centres offer a range of activities for all abilities. Please note there are charges to access leisure centre activities – many have reduced prices for juniors or students.


Your Health Notts

Your Health Notts offers support to help you quit smoking.

Phone: 0115 772 2515

Visit the Your Health Notts website at Quit Smoking – Your Health Nottinghamshire (


What About Me? (WAM)

WAM provide one-to-one support to children and young people affected by somebody else’s mental health and/or substance use.


SMS Substance Misuse Service

SMS provides information, advice, support and treatment for young people up to 18 years old with drug and/or alcohol problems in Nottinghamshire.


Sport Nottinghamshire

Nottinghamshire is a thriving county for junior sport.  There are countless ways of getting involved and we hope to inspire you with new ideas. There’s hundreds of junior sports clubs providing coaching and competition for all ages.


LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire

LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire

LGBT+ Nottinghamshire offers free confidential one to one, outreach and group peer support on a weekly basis. The service is for Young People age 11-25 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Text: LGBT SUPPORT to 07761 500169

Tel: 01909 479191


Healthy Family Teams

Healthy Family Teams work with all children, young people and families aged 0 to 19, they are made up of School Nurses, Health Visitors and other health professionals. Young people aged 11 and over can get support for a range of issues such as your thoughts and feelings, your wellbeing, relationships, sexual health, alcohol or drugs, healthy eating, weight management and smoking.


Healthy Family Teams offer drop-in session for you in (or near) every secondary school.

Find your local Healthy Family Team here or text them on 07507 329 952



Young People's Centres

Young people’s centres are spaces for young people across Nottinghamshire.

Youth workers work with young people aged 10 to 25 to promote and support personal development, social education, health and wellbeing. Young people centres offer something to do, somewhere to go and someone to talk to in the form of youth groups, mobile youth projects and events. They work with 13 to 19 year olds particularly closely.

You can find details of you local young people’s centre and what it offers on the website.


Nottinghamshire Police - Sexual Exploitation Unit


Karma Nirvana

Karma Nirvana’s helpline is open 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday. They offer confidential information, advice and support about forced marriage and honour based violence and won’t contact your family.


Notts LGBT+ Network

Information and support to LGBT people in and around Nottinghamshire.

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 7am to 9:15pm.


Outburst at Base 51

Outburst is a Youth Group for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or think that they might be. They meet at the new NGY Myplace building, Nottingham City.

Sexual Health

LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire

LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire

LGBT+ Nottinghamshire offers free confidential one to one, outreach and group peer support on a weekly basis. The service is for Young People age 11-25 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Text: LGBT SUPPORT to 07761 500169

Tel: 01909 479191

Sexual Health

Healthy Family Teams

Healthy Family Teams work with all children, young people and families aged 0 to 19, they are made up of School Nurses, Health Visitors and other health professionals. Young people aged 11 and over can get support for a range of issues such as your thoughts and feelings, your wellbeing, relationships, sexual health, alcohol or drugs, healthy eating, weight management and smoking.


Healthy Family Teams offer drop-in session for you in (or near) every secondary school.

Find your local Healthy Family Team here or text them on 07507 329 952


Sexual Health

Free testme online chlamydia testing

New… free online chlamydia testing available for 16 to 24 year olds living in Nottinghamshire, order a test kit online and return it freepost. Lots more information available on the website. If you are under 16 and need a test why not get checked out at your local sexual health service

Sexual Health

Family Nurse Partnership

The Family Nurse Partnership supports first-time teenage mothers and their babies from early pregnancy to the child’s second birthday. They offer home visiting, support and guidance to give mother and baby the best start in life.

Sexual Health

Young People's Centres

Young people’s centres are spaces for young people across Nottinghamshire.

Youth workers work with young people aged 10 to 25 to promote and support personal development, social education, health and wellbeing. Young people centres offer something to do, somewhere to go and someone to talk to in the form of youth groups, mobile youth projects and events. They work with 13 to 19 year olds particularly closely.

You can find details of you local young people’s centre and what it offers on the website.

Sexual Health

Nottinghamshire Integrated Sexual Health Services

Nottinghamshire Integrated Sexual Health Services are open access, free and confidential sexual health services across Nottinghamshire. You can find out more about each service and how to access it via their websites or by calling the service directly.

If you live in north Nottinghamshire (Bassetlaw)

Tri Health Bassetlaw

Tel: 01909 506418

If you live in Mid Notts (Mansfield, Ashfield, Newark and Sherwood)

My Sexual Health

Tel: 01623672260

If you live in south Nottinghamshire (Broxtowe, Gedling, Rushcliffe) and Nottingham City

NUH Sexual Health Service

Tel: 0115 9627627

Sexual Health

C-Card Nottinghamshire

C-Card Nottinghamshire is a free sexual health advice and condom service for young people aged 13 – 25. The C-Card scheme allows you to get access to condoms, lubricants and ask any questions you have about sex, sexually transmitted infections and relationships. There’s loads of information and advice on the website too.

Sexual Health

Notts LGBT+ Network

Information and support to LGBT people in and around Nottinghamshire.

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 7am to 9:15pm.


Healthy Family Teams

Healthy Family Teams work with all children, young people and families aged 0 to 19, they are made up of School Nurses, Health Visitors and other health professionals. Young people aged 11 and over can get support for a range of issues such as your thoughts and feelings, your wellbeing, relationships, sexual health, alcohol or drugs, healthy eating, weight management and smoking.


Healthy Family Teams offer drop-in session for you in (or near) every secondary school.

Find your local Healthy Family Team here or text them on 07507 329 952