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The competition aimed to improve Covid-19 messaging to young people.
The winners of the Creative Covid-19 messaging by and for young adults in Nottinghamshire competition have been announced.
Nottinghamshire County Council asked young people aged 16-25 years to design a piece of promotional material, such as a short video or a piece of graphic design.
This was to help raise awareness of the Covid-19 vaccination for young people, and to encourage them to consider getting vaccinated when this was offered.
Entries were judged in two categories – 16 to 18 years and 19 to 25 years.
The winners have now been announced. They were chosen by a panel of Nottinghamshire young people.
There is a short video produced by 18-year-old Samuel Morrell, and a poster and digital web banner designed by 21-year-old Abigail Fearn.
To view the winning designs visit: