Understanding anger management

Useful tips as to how to manage your feelings of anger and to understand some of the reasons for feeling this way.

Anger is not right or wrong; it is just another feeling, like feeling happy or feeling sad. Everyone in some time of their life will have feelings of anger. The important thing to remember is being able to recognise anger and be able to deal with strong feelings and allow you to take steps to help calm yourself down.


Anger can affect you both physically and emotionally and can also impact on others around you. When you are angry, you may feel like shouting or crying and doing things that you would not usually do, like throwing things or attacking others physically or verbally. This can also affect the other person and make the situation even worse.


Here are some useful links and support websites that may be able to help you:

  • Chat health is a text service for young people which is confidential , their number is 07507 330 205
  • Kooth are a free, safe and anonymous support agency for young people.


Here is another useful link on why anger happens and how you can help yourself


It is also important to be able to talk to someone about how you are feeling, perhaps a friend, family member or someone in school you can trust. Remember the School Nurses are also available to speak to.