Emotional and mental health

The school nurse service is committed to supporting you with your emotional and mental health.

Looking after your mental health is not something you should just do if you are struggling, or feeling low, anxious or stressed. It’s actually something you should think about all the time and really invest in, just like with your physical health. Having good mental health can help you sleep better, feel better, enable you to do the things you want to do, and help you have more positive relationships with those around you. You do not need to wait until you are struggling. Looking after your mental health is not only good for you now, it can also help you deal with and manage difficult times in the future. Over time, it may also reduce your risk of physical health problems.

School nurses are here to listen to, and support you to improve your wellbeing by building your resilience. We can help you think about any advice or support you may need. We have the skills to help you realise any risk factors associated with the development of your emotional and mental health and support you with these. The factors could be things such as, bullying and peer pressure, bereavement or family problems.

The school nurses can also refer for additional support within specialist services, such as the local counselling or CAMHS service.


If you think you need help and support: