Drinking alcohol regularly can affect your health...
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True or false? Smoking Rumours
There are lots of rumours about smoking - can you tell fact from fiction?
That's right! Nowadays fewer than 1 in 6 people in the UK smoke!
Wrong - Nowadays fewer than 1 in 5 people in the UK smoke!
Not true. Less than 1% of 11, 12 and 13 year-olds, less than 4% of 14 year olds, and under 7% of 15-year olds smoke. That’s fewer than one in 10.
That's right - Less than 1% of 11, 12 and 13 year-olds, less than 4% of 14 year olds, and under 7% of 15-year olds smoke. That’s fewer than one in 10.
You're wrong. Whether you smoke roll-ups or ready-rolled cigarettes, they all contain tobacco. When you set light to the tobacco, it produces smoke that contains 4,000 chemicals. Our bodies aren’t designed to take in smoke!
That's right. All forms of cigarettes are harmful to you and should be avoided.
Wrong – smoking can actually cause serious health problems, so while it’s true that smoking can reduce a smoker’s appetite, the result is usually that they eat a far less healthy diet. This means that they often have less energy to be physically active because of a lack of nutrients. It’s a vicious cycle, as being less physically active results in weight gain
You got it! Smoking can actually cause serious health problems, so while it’s true that smoking can reduce a smoker’s appetite, the result is usually that they eat a far less healthy diet. This means that they often have less energy to be physically active because of a lack of nutrients. It’s a vicious cycle, as being less physically active results in weight gain
Wrong – nicotine addiction and the resulting withdrawal symptoms actually cause stressful feelings that can only be relieved by having the next cigarette
You're right - nicotine addiction and the resulting withdrawal symptoms actually cause stressful feelings that can only be relieved by having the next cigarette
Wrong – smoking just a few cigarettes can really make a difference to your fitness and energy levels
You're right - smoking just a few cigarettes can really make a difference to your fitness and energy levels
How to get help
If you have any more questions on this area or would like to speak to somebody about this topic, have a look at the links or search for your local services in the blue box below. Alternatively you can always contact your school nurse.
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