Ramadan and staying healthy
During the month of Ramadan, Muslims won't eat or drink between dawn and sunset. This is known as fasting and is important as it allows Muslims to devote themselves to their faith.
Here are five ways you can fast and stay healthy.

Rather than frying your food, bake it to reduce the fat content.
Remember, you still need your 5 portions of fruit and veg a day even when you’re fasting, so try and include this. You could try having smoothies or including chopped-up fruit in your cereal.

It’s important to stay hydrated if your body is to function well.
Try and drink plenty of water during the hours when you can eat and drink, in the evening and through the night.

While you’re fasting, it’s still advised that you look after your teeth as normal by brushing twice a day.
You can do this just before bed after breaking your fast, and then just before you start your fast again.

Showering doesn’t break your fast, so don’t forget your daily shower. Follow this by drying your skin thoroughly and using a deodorant.

You can stay active during Ramadan, so continue with your usual routines.
Take a look as some ways to get exercise without really trying.
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