Young Voices on Health

‘What You Saying’ about your experience of healthcare?

The Children, Young People and Families engagement project has now closed. Stay tuned for our report of findings, coming soon.

Thank you for your support in helping us hear the voices, views and experiences of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland young people’s healthcare services.

What will happen next?

Once all of the information has been collected, it will be evaluated and looked at carefully. After a few months, you will be able to read the results and learn what the NHS found out through ‘What You Saying‘ and what improvements they are going to make.

How will the results be used?

The anonymised information will be shared with people who work for the NHS and care services. It will help them make decisions about how services are designed and delivered.


Reflecting on your experience of healthcare can be hard sometimes. For more advice about mental health support for young people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, click here for LPT’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Guide for Young People.

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