The Lancaster Model online health assessment for teens in years 10 and 12 and colleges

We offer health and development surveys for students in years 10 and 12 in secondary school and students aged 16 to 19 in college using The Lancaster Model (TLM) which is an electronic health questionnaire.     

Health and wellbeing forms

If you’re in Year 10, Year 12 or at college you may be asked to complete one of our online health and wellbeing assessment forms.  This is a confidential form and the information you put on them is only seen by school nurses.

By completing your health and wellbeing questionnaire, you are helping the school health team to understand your health needs and offer any support you may need either online or face-to-face.

You will also be helping to identify key health topics within your school, enabling the team to work with your school to support everyone’s physical, mental and emotional needs.