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Kent Community NHS Foundation Trust is responsible for the writing, publishing and updating of the content on this page.
The Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service (CAMHs) and Medway Young Peoples Well Being Service (MYPWS) are part of the North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT.) You may hear them referred to as ‘CAMHS’ which is a national term for the kind of services they provide.
This is an NHS service offering mental health assessment, interventions and evidence-based treatment to children and young people aged 0-18 years in Kent and 0-19 years in Medway, who are experiencing a range of challenging mental health difficulties or may require a diagnostic assessment for neurodevelopmental conditions such as Autism or ADHD.
The children and young people seen are usually significantly affected by mental health difficulties to the point that this is affecting their everyday life, like attending school or going out with friends. They also signpost to other services that support families, children and young people that may be able to offer more appropriate help and support to meet their needs.
This service has a referral form on their website.