get me out of here Exit site


Find out what services are available to you in your area.


Alcoholics Anonymous

If you are worried about your drinking, you are not alone. AA is here for young people in Kent, whenever you are ready. 

If you want to talk to someone in absolute confidence about your drinking, call us free on 0800 917 7650, message us via our Live Chat box, or email us at

The first step is to admit that you have a problem and that you need help. The next step is to reach out and ask for it. The people on our helpline are all recovered alcoholics; they care and understand. No matter how bad it feels.

Don’t face your alcohol problem alone. AA is here for you, whenever you are ready. You are not hopeless. You are not beyond help. You are worthy. And you can be free from the grip of alcohol and live the life you deserve.

T: 0800 917 7650


W: Visit Alcoholics Anonymous website

Young Person’s Drug and Alcohol Services

The Young Person’s Drug and Alcohol Service provides a free specialist substance misuse service for young people offering information, advice and support to 11 to 18-year-olds.

W: Visit Young Person’s Drug and Alcohol Services website


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.

Anger Management


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.



Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.


The Pod for children’s therapies

The Pod can help you child achieve your therapy goals and join in with everyday activities.

W: Visit The Pod for children’s therapies website

The Kent Autistic Trust

The Kent Autistic Trust provides support for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other associated difficulties who have significant behaviour, developmental and communication needs within various community settings including: registered homes, specialist and intensive supported living, community day resource centres, Family Support service and support groups. 

Their Family Support Service offers advice and information for individuals on the autism spectrum, their families, carers and the people who work with them.

W: Visit The Kent Autistic Trust website

Bad Relationships

Targeted Relationship Service (HERA) Salus – for young women and trans aged 10-18

This service is designed to support and empower young women and gender diverse individuals to make informed choices about the emotional and physical relationships that they have, and give them the confidence and emotional resilience to put them into practice.


W: Visit Targeted Relationship Service (HERA) Salus – for young women and trans aged 10-18 website


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.

Being Different

Unstoppable girls – Girls with ADHD can!

Empowering young women and girls with ADHD to live an unstoppable life in Kent with blogs, local groups and online support.

Girls with ADHD are so good at hiding it! FACT.  Masking is a survival technique that girls use because they seek to ensure that they meet the social norms.  They are actresses in their own life.

Yet, this can be utterly exhausting and can sometimes lead them to feeling very alone.  Their quest to fit in can result in them feeling even more shut out.

Girls with ADHD shouldn’t have to face this without support and guidance.  Being a teenager is tricky enough without throwing in a neurodivergent brain that is relentless (or unstoppable 😉), an inability to work out who they actually are without the masks and the constant fear of being found out or judged for being different.

The Unstoppable Girls community is all about providing a safe space, a space to be seen and heard, a space to explore neurodiversity and to no longer feel weird or alone.

W: Visit Unstoppable girls – Girls with ADHD can! website


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.

Bereavement & Loss

Hope Support

For anyone aged five to 25 with a loved one has been diagnosed with a serious or life-threatening illness.

You can chat privately to their online support team, or join the community of young people across the UK who genuinely understand what you’re going through.

W: Visit Hope Support website

CHUMS – bereavement

CHUMS – offer specialist bereavement support to children and young people from three-and-a-half years old until their 26th birthday in Kent

Specialist support is needed when a child or young person is experiencing complicated grief or traumatic bereavement. This might mean that it is extra hard for them to manage the death and so it is having an enduring negative impact on everyday life. This might be because of the way the person died or because various other factors are disrupting their ability to grieve. Children and young people who need specialist support are likely to be experiencing difficulties such as:

  • prolonged periods of being low and withdrawn

  • anxiety that prevents them from doing things they would normally do

  • high levels of frustration that impact on relationships and daily life

  • struggling with thoughts or images about the death

  • being unable to tolerate thinking or speaking about their bereavement.

This Specialist Bereavement Service is established from a wide range of experienced, trained professionals and volunteers. Support will be tailored to provide evidence-based interventions to children and young people through one-to-one, group and drop-in sessions.

W: Visit CHUMS – bereavement website

Slide Away – bereavement

Slide Away offers support to school-aged children and young people in Kent who have been bereaved of a family member or friend and those who have a parent or sibling with a life limiting illness.

T: 07970 597715


W: Visit Slide Away – bereavement website

Holding on Letting go – bereavement support

Supporting bereaved children, young people aged six to 16 and their families – before or after a death of someone close.

T: 03445 611511


W: Visit Holding on Letting go – bereavement support website


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.



Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.



Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.



Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.

Consent And The Law

Sexual Health Service

A free and confidential service to everyone, regardless of your age, gender or sexual orientation. They won’t judge or lecture, they’ve seen it all before.

You must be aged 13 or over to access.

W: Visit Sexual Health Service website

Kent Police

You can call 111 or report an incident or crime online on the Kent Police website. Online contact with the police is dealt with in exactly the same way as non-emergency 101 phone calls.

Call 999 if you feel like a situation could get heated or violent very soon, if someone is in immediate danger or if you need support right away.


W: Visit Kent Police website


Kent Condom Programme (METRO)

The service offers free condoms for under 25s across Kent.

W: Visit Kent Condom Programme (METRO) website

Sexual Health Service

A free and confidential service to everyone, regardless of your age, gender or sexual orientation. They won’t judge or lecture, they’ve seen it all before.

You must be aged 13 or over to access.

W: Visit Sexual Health Service website


Children’s and Young People’s Mental Health Service (CAMHs)

The Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service (CAMHs) and Medway Young Peoples Well Being Service (MYPWS) are part of the North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT.) You may hear them referred to as ‘CAMHS’ which is a national term for the kind of services they provide.

This is an NHS service offering mental health assessment, interventions and evidence-based treatment to children and young people aged 0-18 years in Kent and 0-19 years in Medway, who are experiencing a range of challenging mental health difficulties or may require a diagnostic assessment for neurodevelopmental conditions such as Autism or ADHD.

The children and young people seen are usually significantly affected by mental health difficulties to the point that this is affecting their everyday life, like attending school or going out with friends.  They also signpost to other services that support families, children and young people that may be able to offer more appropriate help and support to meet their needs.

This service has a referral form on their website.

W: Visit Children’s and Young People’s Mental Health Service (CAMHs) website


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.


Young Person’s Drug and Alcohol Services

The Young Person’s Drug and Alcohol Service provides a free specialist substance misuse service for young people offering information, advice and support to 11 to 18-year-olds.

W: Visit Young Person’s Drug and Alcohol Services website


One You Kent

We know it’s tough to quit smoking, but you don’t have to go it alone. No lectures, just professional support and help when you need it most. One You Kent can help you to quit smoking and be smokefree for life.

What does the service offer?

  • Weekly sessions with an NHS One You Smokefree adviser. These sessions can be face-to-face or via phone or video call. You can join a group or get support one-to-one.
  • These sessions help you learn how to manage cravings, look at what nicotine replacement medications might suit you alongside tips to live smoke free.
  • You will also have access to free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) e.g. nicotine patches and nicotine gum. If you are 18 years or older, you can get access to a free vape starter kit.

W: Visit One You Kent website

Eating Disorders

Children’s and Young People’s Mental Health Service (CAMHs)

The Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service (CAMHs) and Medway Young Peoples Well Being Service (MYPWS) are part of the North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT.) You may hear them referred to as ‘CAMHS’ which is a national term for the kind of services they provide.

This is an NHS service offering mental health assessment, interventions and evidence-based treatment to children and young people aged 0-18 years in Kent and 0-19 years in Medway, who are experiencing a range of challenging mental health difficulties or may require a diagnostic assessment for neurodevelopmental conditions such as Autism or ADHD.

The children and young people seen are usually significantly affected by mental health difficulties to the point that this is affecting their everyday life, like attending school or going out with friends.  They also signpost to other services that support families, children and young people that may be able to offer more appropriate help and support to meet their needs.

This service has a referral form on their website.

W: Visit Children’s and Young People’s Mental Health Service (CAMHs) website

All Aged Eating Disorder Service (AAEDS)

The All-Age Eating Disorder Service (AADS) for Kent and Medway is a specialist service that aims to bring hope and confidence, through help and support, to those who have an eating disorder, to enable them to take back control of their life by overcoming their eating disorder. They take clients from the age of eight.

They accept clients with:

  • Anorexia nervosa  – when an individual tries to keep their weight as low as possible by not eating enough food, exercising too much, or both.
  • Bulimia nervosa  – when an individual sometimes loses control and eats a lot of food in a very short amount of time (bingeing) and are then deliberately sick, use laxatives, restrict what they eat, to do too much exercise to stop themselves gaining weight.
  • Binge eating disorder – when an individual regularly loses control of their eating, eat large portions of food all at once until they feel uncomfortably full, and are then often upset or guilty.
  • Other specified feeding or eating disorder – when an individual’s symptoms do not exactly match those of anorexia, bulimia or binge eating disorder, but it does not mean it is a less serious illness.

W: Visit All Aged Eating Disorder Service (AAEDS) website


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.

Exam Stress


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.


Everyday Active

Everyday Active can help you find the perfect activity for your experience and confidence levels, as well as activities that fit in around your everyday life.

W: Visit Everyday Active website


MIND – your local mental health charity

Supports anyone with a mental health problem in Kent.

West Kent Mind

East Kent Mind 

South Kent Mind

Mid Kent Mind 


The Mind and Body Programme

Mind and Body in Kent supports children and young adults who are self-harming, at risk of self-harming or struggling with their mental wellbeing.

This service is for you if:

  • you live in Kent and you’re aged 13-25
  • you’re harming yourself or struggling with your mental wellbeing
  • you have not taken any steps to end your life within the past month.

T: 01795 500882

W: Visit The Mind and Body Programme website


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.

Female Genital Mutilation

Kent Police

You can call 111 or report an incident or crime online on the Kent Police website. Online contact with the police is dealt with in exactly the same way as non-emergency 101 phone calls.

Call 999 if you feel like a situation could get heated or violent very soon, if someone is in immediate danger or if you need support right away.


W: Visit Kent Police website

Forced Marriage

Kent Police

You can call 111 or report an incident or crime online on the Kent Police website. Online contact with the police is dealt with in exactly the same way as non-emergency 101 phone calls.

Call 999 if you feel like a situation could get heated or violent very soon, if someone is in immediate danger or if you need support right away.


W: Visit Kent Police website



Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.

Good Relationships

Targeted Relationship Service (HERA) Salus – for young women and trans aged 10-18

This service is designed to support and empower young women and gender diverse individuals to make informed choices about the emotional and physical relationships that they have, and give them the confidence and emotional resilience to put them into practice.


W: Visit Targeted Relationship Service (HERA) Salus – for young women and trans aged 10-18 website

Sexual Health Service

A free and confidential service to everyone, regardless of your age, gender or sexual orientation. They won’t judge or lecture, they’ve seen it all before.

You must be aged 13 or over to access.

W: Visit Sexual Health Service website


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.


Kent Police

You can call 111 or report an incident or crime online on the Kent Police website. Online contact with the police is dealt with in exactly the same way as non-emergency 101 phone calls.

Call 999 if you feel like a situation could get heated or violent very soon, if someone is in immediate danger or if you need support right away.


W: Visit Kent Police website

Growing Up

Understand your teenage brain and feelings

Your teenage brain will go through a cycle of rapid growth during puberty affecting how you feel and behave. This course is a great place to start if you want to learn about your emotional health, why you feel the way you do, and how to manage these feelings. Sometimes, these changes can cause confusion, but they can also bring about many positives for young people. This course is a great place to start if you want to learn about how your brain starts to function differently as you grow into an adult.

W: Visit Understand your teenage brain and feelings website


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.


Everyday Active

Everyday Active can help you find the perfect activity for your experience and confidence levels, as well as activities that fit in around your everyday life.

W: Visit Everyday Active website

MIND – your local mental health charity

Supports anyone with a mental health problem in Kent.

West Kent Mind

East Kent Mind 

South Kent Mind

Mid Kent Mind 



Kent Condom Programme (METRO)

The service offers free condoms for under 25s across Kent.

W: Visit Kent Condom Programme (METRO) website

Sexual Health Service

A free and confidential service to everyone, regardless of your age, gender or sexual orientation. They won’t judge or lecture, they’ve seen it all before.

You must be aged 13 or over to access.

W: Visit Sexual Health Service website

In An Emergency

Kent Police

You can call 111 or report an incident or crime online on the Kent Police website. Online contact with the police is dealt with in exactly the same way as non-emergency 101 phone calls.

Call 999 if you feel like a situation could get heated or violent very soon, if someone is in immediate danger or if you need support right away.


W: Visit Kent Police website

Long Term Conditions

The Pod for children’s therapies

The Pod can help you child achieve your therapy goals and join in with everyday activities.

W: Visit The Pod for children’s therapies website

MIND – your local mental health charity

Supports anyone with a mental health problem in Kent.

West Kent Mind

East Kent Mind 

South Kent Mind

Mid Kent Mind 


Need someone to talk to / Getting tested


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.


Sexual Health Service

A free and confidential service to everyone, regardless of your age, gender or sexual orientation. They won’t judge or lecture, they’ve seen it all before.

You must be aged 13 or over to access.

W: Visit Sexual Health Service website

Understand your teenage brain and feelings

Your teenage brain will go through a cycle of rapid growth during puberty affecting how you feel and behave. This course is a great place to start if you want to learn about your emotional health, why you feel the way you do, and how to manage these feelings. Sometimes, these changes can cause confusion, but they can also bring about many positives for young people. This course is a great place to start if you want to learn about how your brain starts to function differently as you grow into an adult.

W: Visit Understand your teenage brain and feelings website


Targeted Relationship Service (HERA) Salus – for young women and trans aged 10-18

This service is designed to support and empower young women and gender diverse individuals to make informed choices about the emotional and physical relationships that they have, and give them the confidence and emotional resilience to put them into practice.


W: Visit Targeted Relationship Service (HERA) Salus – for young women and trans aged 10-18 website

BeYou Project – LGBTQ+

The BeYou Project offers a safe, welcoming and inclusive place where LGBTQ+ young people aged 8–25 and living in Kent and Medway can meet, socialise and find the support they need.

W: Visit BeYou Project – LGBTQ+ website


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.



Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.

Self Harm

MIND – your local mental health charity

Supports anyone with a mental health problem in Kent.

West Kent Mind

East Kent Mind 

South Kent Mind

Mid Kent Mind 


The Mind and Body Programme

Mind and Body in Kent supports children and young adults who are self-harming, at risk of self-harming or struggling with their mental wellbeing.

This service is for you if:

  • you live in Kent and you’re aged 13-25
  • you’re harming yourself or struggling with your mental wellbeing
  • you have not taken any steps to end your life within the past month.

T: 01795 500882

W: Visit The Mind and Body Programme website

Sexual Assault/Rape

Sexual Health Service

A free and confidential service to everyone, regardless of your age, gender or sexual orientation. They won’t judge or lecture, they’ve seen it all before.

You must be aged 13 or over to access.

W: Visit Sexual Health Service website

Kent Police

You can call 111 or report an incident or crime online on the Kent Police website. Online contact with the police is dealt with in exactly the same way as non-emergency 101 phone calls.

Call 999 if you feel like a situation could get heated or violent very soon, if someone is in immediate danger or if you need support right away.


W: Visit Kent Police website

Sexual Health

Kent Condom Programme (METRO)

The service offers free condoms for under 25s across Kent.

W: Visit Kent Condom Programme (METRO) website

Sexual Health Service

A free and confidential service to everyone, regardless of your age, gender or sexual orientation. They won’t judge or lecture, they’ve seen it all before.

You must be aged 13 or over to access.

W: Visit Sexual Health Service website


Kent Condom Programme (METRO)

The service offers free condoms for under 25s across Kent.

W: Visit Kent Condom Programme (METRO) website

Sexual Health Service

A free and confidential service to everyone, regardless of your age, gender or sexual orientation. They won’t judge or lecture, they’ve seen it all before.

You must be aged 13 or over to access.

W: Visit Sexual Health Service website

BeYou Project – LGBTQ+

The BeYou Project offers a safe, welcoming and inclusive place where LGBTQ+ young people aged 8–25 and living in Kent and Medway can meet, socialise and find the support they need.

W: Visit BeYou Project – LGBTQ+ website

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexual Health Service

A free and confidential service to everyone, regardless of your age, gender or sexual orientation. They won’t judge or lecture, they’ve seen it all before.

You must be aged 13 or over to access.

W: Visit Sexual Health Service website

Speech Difficulties

The Pod for children’s therapies

The Pod can help you child achieve your therapy goals and join in with everyday activities.

W: Visit The Pod for children’s therapies website


One You Kent

We know it’s tough to quit smoking, but you don’t have to go it alone. No lectures, just professional support and help when you need it most. One You Kent can help you to quit smoking and be smokefree for life.

What does the service offer?

  • Weekly sessions with an NHS One You Smokefree adviser. These sessions can be face-to-face or via phone or video call. You can join a group or get support one-to-one.
  • These sessions help you learn how to manage cravings, look at what nicotine replacement medications might suit you alongside tips to live smoke free.
  • You will also have access to free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) e.g. nicotine patches and nicotine gum. If you are 18 years or older, you can get access to a free vape starter kit.

W: Visit One You Kent website

Young Carers

Hope Support

For anyone aged five to 25 with a loved one has been diagnosed with a serious or life-threatening illness.

You can chat privately to their online support team, or join the community of young people across the UK who genuinely understand what you’re going through.

W: Visit Hope Support website

IMAGO – young carers

IMAGO support young carers by promoting positive wellbeing through a variety of activities, workshops and respite.

T: 01892 530330

W: Visit IMAGO – young carers website


Kooth is a fantastic free online mental health and wellbeing service for young people aged 10 to 25. It’s a place to get advice, information and support 24/7.

W: Visit Kooth website

Opening Times

Available 24 hours a day, every day.