7 Puberty Changes Only Males Experience
It's completely normal for you to experience puberty at any point between the ages of 8 and 14, and these are some of the changes you may notice.

Your body is filling out and changing shape during puberty, so you’ll notice your shoulders become wider.

Your muscle mass is also building during puberty, so you’ll notice your muscles grow and strength improve, particularly your upper body strength.

Your voice will ‘break’ as you go through puberty and will become permanently deeper.
During this process, you might find that your voice is very deep one minute and then goes very high the next. This is completely normal.

Your penis and testicles will grow in size during puberty, and your scrotum will gradually become darker in colour.

This is when your penis goes hard and stiff – and can happen at any time.

Semen, which is made up of sperm and other bodily fluids, might be released when you have an erection.
This is called ejaculation. Once sperm is made and ejaculation happens, if you had sex without protection you could get someone pregnant.

This is when you ejaculate and release semen in your sleep. This is a completely normal part of puberty.
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