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Quiz: To share or not to share…
Is it right or wrong to share a photo or post a status update in these situations?
true or false
It's okay to share a nude selfie of someone in your year at school that has been sent to you by someone else
Incorrect, sending naked images is a crime and can have serious consequences. It doesn't matter who took the original picture, you can still get into trouble for sharing it.
Correct, sending naked images is a crime and can have serious consequences. It doesn't matter who took the original picture, you can still get into trouble for sharing it.
true or false
It's okay to post a jokey comment on a friend's profile being rude about his ex-girlfriend
Incorrect, you and your friend might know that your comment is a joke, but other people reading it might not. Anything that you have written on someone else's profile can also be seen by all of their friends.
Correct, you and your friend might know that your comment is a joke, but other people reading it might not. Anything that you have written on someone else's profile can also be seen by all of their friends.
true or false
It's okay to post a selfie of you and your girlfriend that she said you could use as your profile picture
Correct, if someone has given permission to use a photo of them then it's fine to share it. It's important to remember though that anyone can then see your profile picture.
Incorrect, if someone has given permission to use a photo of them then it's fine to share it. It's important to remember though that anyone can then see your profile picture.
true or false
It's okay to post a status update about a friend who has just told you something in confidence about their sexuality
Incorrect, posting anything on social media means that it is no longer secret. Your friend is likely to be very upset that you've broken their confidence and it may end your friendship.
Correct, posting anything on social media means that it is no longer secret. Your friend is likely to be very upset that you've broken their confidence and it may end your friendship.
true or false
It's okay to share a film of you and your little sister doing a funny dance
Correct, you should make sure though that your little sister and also your parents are happy with you sharing the video.
Incorrect, you should make sure though that your little sister and also your parents are happy with you sharing the video.
true or false
It's okay to post a status update about an argument with the boss of the pub you work at part-time saying how much you dislike him
Incorrect, your employer can discipline you for talking about work on social media. Future employers may also be able to see the post and it might affect your future chances of getting a job.
Correct, your employer can discipline you for talking about work on social media. Future employers may also be able to see the post and it might affect your future chances of getting a job.
Correct, it's fun to share photos of your achievements. You may want to think about whether the trophy has any information on it that you wouldn't want to share though, like the name of the club that you train at.
Incorrect, it's fun to share photos of your achievements. You may want to think about whether the trophy has any information on it that you wouldn't want to share though, like the name of the club that you train at.
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