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Warning Signs of Low Mood

Get to know the early warning signs!

Early warning signs may help you to feel more in control of your mood. Sometimes you might not be able to see these signs, however getting a better understanding on what impacts on your mood may enable you to put steps in place to manage this before it spirals out of control.

1. Are you spending a lot of time in your bedroom on your own?
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You could try to start considering how to change this by planning to spend more time downstairs with family and friends, or setting a time limit on how long you spend alone in your room.

2. Are you becoming irritable and emotionally distressed?
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You might associate these feelings with typical teenage hormones, and this may be the case sometimes, but if this occurs more frequently, it’s important to reflect on any changes that have happened in your life which could be making you feel this way.

3. Reflect on what makes you happy.
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It could be anything! A tub of ice-cream, painting your nails, online gaming with friends or even sitting in the garden listening to some music.

4. Finding support and help
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Getting some help and support around improving your wellbeing.  You could do this by talking to your GP, school nurse or accessing online support through the likes of Tellmi.

how to get help

If you feel that after following the advice and support of health professionals, teachers, family and friends, you’re still unable to see any improvements on your mood then it’s important that you seek medical advice from your GP and school nurse.

Cross Hatch

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Find help in your local area

Find out what services are available to you in your area. Remember your school nurse is always there to give you confidential help and support.