5 Ways To Manage Grief

Feeling sad reflects on how important the person that died was to you. The way that you miss them can feel very painful. It is OK to feel this pain, and it is also OK to be able to talk about it.

Different cultures deal with loss and bereavement in different ways. Grief is an intensely personal process.

When you feel safe and are with people you can trust. This might be days, weeks, months or years after a loss.

For others this can be too painful. Find a way to express yourself in a way that suits you; give yourself permission to feel sad. Sometimes it is good to talk to people who are not affected because they might be better able to listen without getting too upset.
You may want to speak to your school nurse who will be able to let you know about extra support available if you’d like it.

For ideas and inspiration, visit Winston’s Wish.
how to get help
Loss and bereavement is a difficult time and people can feel very sad and emotional during this time. If you feel sad and want to speak with someone, there are people out there who can help. Talk to someone you can trust either online or over the phone, you can also book appointments to see professionals if needed. People who experience loss and bereavement often need someone to talk to, here are some helpful national services who can help. Remember…..you’re not alone.
Find help in your local area
Find help in your local area
Find out what services are available to you in your area. Remember your school nurse is always there to give you confidential help and support.