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Find out what services are available to you in your area.



Kooth is a web-based, confidential service that supports the wellbeing and resilience of young people aged 11-24.

W: Visit Kooth website

Growing Up

Enfield Carers Centre

Improving the lives of family/unpaid Carers, living in or caring for an Enfield resident.

T: 0208 366 3677


W: Visit Enfield Carers Centre website

Early Help Family Hub

Enfield Early Help work with the whole family to improve wellbeing, relationships, behaviour and communication by offering advice, support and direct interventions at any point in a child or young person’s life, from pre-birth to adulthood.

W: Visit Early Help Family Hub website

Enfield’s Local Offer for SEND

Enfield’s local offer provides help and support to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and their families.

W: Visit Enfield’s Local Offer for SEND website

School Health Service

Our school nursing team works with children and young people to improve their health and wellbeing. Our school nurses can advise or signpost to information and help on many health matters, including bullying, obesity and nutrition, drugs, and sex and relationships.

T: 020 3988 7300


W: Visit School Health Service website

Enfield Secondary Behaviour Support Service (SBSS)

The Secondary Behaviour Support Service (SBSS) works in partnership with secondary schools in Enfield to prevent permanent exclusions, by supporting learners through an outreach and alternative provision service.


W: Visit Enfield Secondary Behaviour Support Service (SBSS) website

Enfield Youth Development Service

Free activities for young people who live or study in Enfield. We have a range of exciting opportunities and positive activities to engage in.

Ponders End Youth Centre – 141 South St, Enfield EN3 4PX
Unity Hub @ Craig Park – 2 Lawrence Road, Baxter Road, Edmonton N18 2HN
Croyland Youth Centre – 1 Croyland Road, Edmonton,N9 7BA
Alan Pullinger Centre – 1 John Bradshaw Road, Southgate N14 6BN
Bell Lane Youth Centre – Bell Lane, Enfield EN3 5PA

W: Visit Enfield Youth Development Service website


Sexual Health London

STI testing service for people who have mild or no STI symptoms, and would like to get themselves checked. You can also request free regular and emergency contraception (effective up to 5 days after unprotected sex) by completing a simple, secure online consultation.

W: Visit Sexual Health London website

Oral Health Promotion Service

Enfield Oral Health Promotion Team works across Enfield to improve the oral health of the residents.

W: Visit Oral Health Promotion Service website

School Vaccinations

Vaccination UK provide school aged immunisations, including Influenza, to pupils in Enfield.


W: Visit School Vaccinations website

Educational Psychology Service (EPS)

The EPS provides psychological services supporting children and young people under 25 to overcome learning barriers. We apply psychology in the educational setting, with a focus on developing learning, physical or sensory needs, and social, emotional and mental health.

W: Visit Educational Psychology Service (EPS) website

Enfield Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

CAMHS offers specialist assessments, interventions, consultation, and psychological therapy services to children and young people who are registered with an Enfield GP; with services provided through multidisciplinary teams. If you are concerned about the emotional health and well being of a child or young person speak to your GP who will recommend the best treatment option.


Urgent Crisis Support Line 0800 151 0023

W: Visit Enfield Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) website

NCL Waiting Room

Waiting Room provides a free service to help you understand your wellbeing options. Explore over 300 resources in our trusted support library. Save your favourites for later, or share them with someone else.

W: Visit NCL Waiting Room website

Sort It! Enfield’s Young Persons Substance Misuse Service

At Insight Enfield SORT IT!, we offer a free, friendly and confidential young people’s support service for people under the age of 25.

T: 020 8360 9102


W: Visit Sort It! Enfield’s Young Persons Substance Misuse Service website


Active Enfield

A range of fun and engaging sports and health activities throughout the year for Young People (ages 5-18), Adults and Over 50s. Our sporting and physical activity courses are both affordable and accessible.

T: 020 8807 6680


W: Visit Active Enfield website

Sexual Health

Enfield C-Card Scheme

The Enfield C-Card Scheme entitles young people aged 13- 24 to free condoms.


W: Visit Enfield C-Card Scheme website


A confidential Sexual Health Service for young people under the age of 18.

If you are under 18 years of age you can call or text our nurse on 07773 736 500 who will speak to you directly.

T: 020 8887 4510


W: Visit Echo website