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Feeling down? Discover fun, free, and easy mood boosters to lift your spirits!
Mood refers to how you feel emotionally at any given time. It can range from feeling happy, excited, or relaxed to feeling sad, angry, or anxious. Moods can change quickly depending on what’s happening around you or inside your mind. Things like school stress, friendships, sleep, and even what you eat can affect your mood. Learning how to manage your mood is important for staying balanced and feeling good about yourself.
Being a teenager can be tough with continuous evolution of growth in different areas and going through so much!
Remember, it’s normal to feel off sometimes, but these small steps can help you bounce back!
YoungMinds: Offers support for mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. They also have a crisis text line.
Kooth: A free, anonymous online service where teens can access mental health support, chat with professionals, and join online forums.
The Mix: Provides essential support and information on a wide range of issues affecting teens, including mental health, through their helpline and online chat.
CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services): NHS-run services that provide mental health support for young people dealing with issues like anxiety, depression, or eating disorders.
Headspace: While not London-specific, this app offers mindfulness and meditation techniques that are great for improving mental health.
Off the Record: A London-based charity providing free counselling and mental health support for teens.