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Vapes are electronic devices designed to allow people to inhale nicotine in a vapour.
Vapes are electronic devices designed to allow people to inhale nicotine in a vapour. Using a vape is known as vaping. Vapes are also available without nicotine.
Nicotine makes the heart beat much faster. This can make you feel nauseous/sick the first time you use it. Nicotine is addictive and can be hard to stop using once you’ve started. Vaping is a lot less harmful than smoking but it doesn’t mean it’s harmless.
The nicotine in vapes is an addictive substance which can be hard to stop using once you’ve started.
Authorities are discovering an increasing number of vapes laced with synthetic substances or spice – this can be extremely harmful. There are a growing number of tragic incidents of people passing out, being hospitalised and even dying as a result of inhaling something which they didn’t expect to be in their vape.
Nicotine vaping is recommended by the NHS as a way for adults to stop smoking. But it isn’t recommended for non-smokers, especially children and young people under 18. Vaping is substantially less harmful than smoking but that doesn’t mean it’s harmless as it still exposes users to some toxins and we don’t yet know what the risks might be in the longer term.
Smoking gives you nicotine by burning tobacco, which creates many harmful toxins that can cause serious illnesses including cancer, lung disease, heart disease and stroke. Vaping gives you nicotine by heating e-liquid, which creates fewer toxins and at lower levels. In general, smokers who switch to vaping reduce their exposure to a wide range of toxic substances. This includes tar and carbon monoxide, very harmful compounds which are produced by cigarettes but not by vapes.
If you would like to talk to someone about your drug and/or alcohol use contact Insight Enfield Sort It by telephone 020 83609102 or by E-mail