get me out of here Exit site


Find out what services are available to you in your area.

Bereavement & Loss

Families in Grief

Support to understand and cope with grief if you live in the North Devon or Torridge area.

T: 01237479027


W: Visit Families in Grief website


Families in Grief

Support to understand and cope with grief if you live in the North Devon or Torridge area.

T: 01237479027


W: Visit Families in Grief website

Children and Families in Grief (CFG)

Children and Families in Grief (CFG) is a charitable organisation that provides practical, emotional and creative support for children and young people in South Devon following the loss of a loved one.

T: 01803 393917


W: Visit Children and Families in Grief (CFG) website


Proud2Be can offer one-to-one support and host youth groups for 11-18 year olds with a kind and supportive LGBTQIA+ youth worker. They offer support for LGBTQIA+ people in Devon to thrive, be free, safe and proud to be ourselves; and to work with others to acknowledge and help dismantle systemic oppression.

If you are aged 13+ you can self-refer online, or you can be referred by a parent/carer/guardian or GP/teacher/social worker.

T: 03337 721187


W: Visit Proud2Be website

Jeremiah’s Journey

Support following the loss of a loved one for teens from Plymouth and the immediate surrounding area.

T: 01752 424348


W: Visit Jeremiah’s Journey website

Opening Times

Advise line is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 10.00am-12.00pm. Leave a message for the team to return if you do not get through to an advisor.

Pete’s Dragons

Help if you are living through the suicide of a loved one.

If you are in crisis, having suicidal thoughts, or simply need someone to talk to, please call the Samaritans on 116 123. They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and calls to their number are free from any UK phone.

If you are interested in ongoing support for the impact of suicide in Devon, you can refer yourself for their service, by completing their online form.


T: 01395 277780

W: Visit Pete’s Dragons website

Opening Times

Pete's Dragons are open 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday. Calls, emails and website enquiry forms are not monitored outside of these hours.

Devon and Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)

The Devon & Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) service provides medical support including examination, as well as practical and emotional support after rape or sexual assault, including counselling.

T: 03003 034626

W: Visit Devon and Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) website

Balloons Charity for Bereaved Children and Young People

Bereavement support for children and young people aged 5-25 in Exeter, East and Mid-Devon.

T: 01392 982570


W: Visit Balloons Charity for Bereaved Children and Young People website

Young Carers

Devon Young Carers work with people aged 4 to 18 who help look after a friend or someone in their family who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs and alcohol. Support can include specialist advice, access to respite opportunities, and 1-to-1 support.

T: 03456 434435


W: Visit Young Carers website

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

If you are worried about your own safety, or the safety of another child or young person, contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). If there is an immediate risk, contact the police on 999.

T: 03451 551071 phone lines are open Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm and Friday 9am-4pm


W: Visit Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) website

CAMHS Resources

This site was created for you to have a place to go to find lots of helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and well-being. There are downloads, website links, apps, books and videos that they share.

W: Visit CAMHS Resources website


Information and recommended resources to support your mental health.

W: Visit HappyMaps website

Young Devon

Young Devon helps you get support with your mental health and wellbeing, build life skills, get your voice heard, grow in confidence, find safe accommodation and develop into a happy, independent adult.

Specific help includes:

T: 08082 810155


W: Visit Young Devon website

Pact – Helping you cope with the imprisonment of a loved one

Pact runs the national Prisoners’ Families Helpline, a free and confidential service which offers practical and emotional support, information and advice to anyone who is affected by imprisonment, in a straightforward, non-judgemental way.

T: 0808 808 2003 (freephone - including most mobiles)


W: Visit Pact – Helping you cope with the imprisonment of a loved one website

Free, safe and anonymous mental health support (Kooth)

Kooth is a free online counselling service that is available to provide you with emotional and mental health support. You can also access articles, discussion boards, daily journal and can message of live chat members of the team.

W: Visit Free, safe and anonymous mental health support (Kooth) website

Solihull Online Courses

Solihull provides free online courses for you (there are separate ones your parents can access too).

Your brain changes as you hit adolescence. To find out how the changes explain how your behaviours are also changing, take the module designed just for you.

You will need an access code to enter the modules. Use ‘TAMAR’.

T: 01212 964448


W: Visit Solihull Online Courses website

Opening Times

Available Monday - Friday 9.00am-5.00pm

Growing Up

Devon and Cornwall Police

Information and resources to support your safety and to help to understand police related topics.

Information and resources to support your safety and to help to understand police related topics.

Visit the youth page for more targeted support and guidance.


T: Non-emergency: 101; Textphone 18001 101; Emergency: 999

W: Visit Devon and Cornwall Police website

Young Carers

Devon Young Carers work with people aged 4 to 18 who help look after a friend or someone in their family who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs and alcohol. Support can include specialist advice, access to respite opportunities, and 1-to-1 support.

T: 03456 434435


W: Visit Young Carers website

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

If you are worried about your own safety, or the safety of another child or young person, contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). If there is an immediate risk, contact the police on 999.

T: 03451 551071 phone lines are open Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm and Friday 9am-4pm


W: Visit Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) website

CSW Ltd (formerly Careers South West)

Independent and impartial information, advice, guidance and practical help about careers, jobs, education courses, volunteering, training opportunities and other personal support for 13-19 year olds.

T: 08009 755111


W: Visit CSW Ltd (formerly Careers South West) website

Young Devon

Young Devon helps you get support with your mental health and wellbeing, build life skills, get your voice heard, grow in confidence, find safe accommodation and develop into a happy, independent adult.

Specific help includes:

T: 08082 810155


W: Visit Young Devon website

Solihull Online Courses

Solihull provides free online courses for you (there are separate ones your parents can access too).

Your brain changes as you hit adolescence. To find out how the changes explain how your behaviours are also changing, take the module designed just for you.

You will need an access code to enter the modules. Use ‘TAMAR’.

T: 01212 964448


W: Visit Solihull Online Courses website

Opening Times

Available Monday - Friday 9.00am-5.00pm


SPACE youth workers can support you to learn, create and realise your potential by providing a space to hang out with mates, talk about things you can’t ask your parents, gain confidence and try new things.

W: Visit Space website


Emergency Dental Appointments

How to Get an Emergency Dental Appointment


NHS Royal Devon | How to get an appointment

Patients with a dental emergency (pain and swelling) can contact the emergency dental service via the dental helpline on 03330 063 300 and they will arrange an urgent care appointment for you wherever possible within Devon.

W: Visit Emergency Dental Appointments website

MyHealth Devon

Information about local NHS services, referrals and support.

T: If you have a question about your referral, please contact Devon Referral Support Service helpdesk on 01626 883888

W: Visit MyHealth Devon website


Supporting young people with learning disabilities. They offer further education college, residential care, short breaks, holiday projects (for 12-17 year olds) and youth club.

T: 01803 840744


W: Visit Lifeworks website

Young Carers

Devon Young Carers work with people aged 4 to 18 who help look after a friend or someone in their family who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs and alcohol. Support can include specialist advice, access to respite opportunities, and 1-to-1 support.

T: 03456 434435


W: Visit Young Carers website

Devon County Council Health for Under 5’s Website

If you, or your current or ex-partner are pregnant, and there are plans to continue the pregnancy, there are services and benefits available to help support you during the pregnancy and following the birth of your baby.

Learn more about what help is available for young parents on our Health for Under 5’s website.

W: Visit Devon County Council Health for Under 5’s Website website

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

If you are worried about your own safety, or the safety of another child or young person, contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). If there is an immediate risk, contact the police on 999.

T: 03451 551071 phone lines are open Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm and Friday 9am-4pm


W: Visit Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) website

School Age Immunisation Service

The School Age Immunisation Service provides vaccinations for seasonal flu, HPV, teenage booster (tetanus, diphtheria and polio) and the meningitis ACWY for school aged young people.

T: 03002 470082 Phones open Monday – Friday 9am – 4:30pm


W: Visit School Age Immunisation Service website

Devon Information Advice and Support (DiAS)

Devon Information Advice and Support (DiAS) gives free, confidential and impartial information about special education needs and disability (SEND). They provide individualised support to help you make choices and decisions in a way that works best for you.

Here are some things they can support you with:

  • preparing for Education, Health and Care (EHC)
  • plan review meetings
  • talking to school staff about getting help in school
  • finding out about groups, clubs and social events in the local area
  • understanding what an EHC plan is and what it is for
  • attending school meetings with you as support

T: 01392 383080


W: Visit Devon Information Advice and Support (DiAS) website

Opening Times

10:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-3:00pm Monday to Friday, you can leave a message outside of those times.

The Preparing for Adulthood Team – Adult Social Care

If you have additional support needs and receive support from social care, education, and health services, the Preparing for Adulthood Team is here to assist with more formal involvement and support from academic year 10 (ages 14/15).

They are here to help empower you to capitalise on the opportunities of adulthood, becoming as independent, self-reliant and confident as possible.


T: 01392 381291


W: Visit The Preparing for Adulthood Team – Adult Social Care website

Children and Family Health Devon (CFHD)

Children and Family Health Devon provide health services for teens in Devon.


T: 03300 245321


W: Visit Children and Family Health Devon (CFHD) website

Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND)

The local offer provides information about help and support for people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. It brings together information about education, health and care services, voluntary agencies, leisure activities and support groups in one place.

SEND also offers some advice for during the transition into adulthood.

W: Visit Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) website

Young Devon

Young Devon helps you get support with your mental health and wellbeing, build life skills, get your voice heard, grow in confidence, find safe accommodation and develop into a happy, independent adult.

Specific help includes:

T: 08082 810155


W: Visit Young Devon website

Stop for Life Devon

If you are 12 years or older and smoke, there is support available for giving up smoking with a dedicated stop smoking practitioner that offers support over 12 weeks.

Get started with support by completing the request through StopForLife.

For general queries, email and for referrals, email



Previously OneSmallStep

T: 0800 122 3866


W: Visit Stop for Life Devon website

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 8.30am - 7.00pm
Saturday 10.00am - 2.00pm


Support and advice around drug and alcohol use if you want to change your own use or are affected by parental use.

T: 01392 385637


W: Visit Y-Smart website

Devon Sexual Health

Sexual health services that support healthy relationships and sexual wellbeing across Devon (including Torbay).

Services available include:

  • contraception
  • sexual health
  • sexual wellbeing
  • testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections

T: 03003 033989

W: Visit Devon Sexual Health website

Free, safe and anonymous mental health support (Kooth)

Kooth is a free online counselling service that is available to provide you with emotional and mental health support. You can also access articles, discussion boards, daily journal and can message of live chat members of the team.

W: Visit Free, safe and anonymous mental health support (Kooth) website


Devon and Cornwall Police

Information and resources to support your safety and to help to understand police related topics.

Information and resources to support your safety and to help to understand police related topics.

Visit the youth page for more targeted support and guidance.


T: Non-emergency: 101; Textphone 18001 101; Emergency: 999

W: Visit Devon and Cornwall Police website

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

If you are worried about your own safety, or the safety of another child or young person, contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). If there is an immediate risk, contact the police on 999.

T: 03451 551071 phone lines are open Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm and Friday 9am-4pm


W: Visit Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) website

Young Devon

Young Devon helps you get support with your mental health and wellbeing, build life skills, get your voice heard, grow in confidence, find safe accommodation and develop into a happy, independent adult.

Specific help includes:

T: 08082 810155


W: Visit Young Devon website

Stop for Life Devon

If you are 12 years or older and smoke, there is support available for giving up smoking with a dedicated stop smoking practitioner that offers support over 12 weeks.

Get started with support by completing the request through StopForLife.

For general queries, email and for referrals, email



Previously OneSmallStep

T: 0800 122 3866


W: Visit Stop for Life Devon website

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 8.30am - 7.00pm
Saturday 10.00am - 2.00pm

Pact – Helping you cope with the imprisonment of a loved one

Pact runs the national Prisoners’ Families Helpline, a free and confidential service which offers practical and emotional support, information and advice to anyone who is affected by imprisonment, in a straightforward, non-judgemental way.

T: 0808 808 2003 (freephone - including most mobiles)


W: Visit Pact – Helping you cope with the imprisonment of a loved one website


Support and advice around drug and alcohol use if you want to change your own use or are affected by parental use.

T: 01392 385637


W: Visit Y-Smart website


SPACE youth workers can support you to learn, create and realise your potential by providing a space to hang out with mates, talk about things you can’t ask your parents, gain confidence and try new things.

W: Visit Space website


Relationships and Sexual Health



Are you worried about your own or someone else’s sexual thoughts, feelings, or actions?


Shore is a safe and anonymous space for young people worried about sexual behaviour.



Chat Service: Mon – Thurs 5pm-8pm (excluding bank holidays)


W: Visit Relationships and Sexual Health website

Opening Times

Chat Service: Mon – Thurs 5pm-8pm (excluding bank holidays)


X-Plore provides a safe and empowering space for LGBTQ young people in Devon, offering group sessions with trained youth workers.


To join a group get in touch via email, Facebook, or Instagram.


T: 0800 612 3010


W: Visit X-Plore website


Proud2Be can offer one-to-one support and host youth groups for 11-18 year olds with a kind and supportive LGBTQIA+ youth worker. They offer support for LGBTQIA+ people in Devon to thrive, be free, safe and proud to be ourselves; and to work with others to acknowledge and help dismantle systemic oppression.

If you are aged 13+ you can self-refer online, or you can be referred by a parent/carer/guardian or GP/teacher/social worker.

T: 03337 721187


W: Visit Proud2Be website

Devon and Cornwall Police

Information and resources to support your safety and to help to understand police related topics.

Information and resources to support your safety and to help to understand police related topics.

Visit the youth page for more targeted support and guidance.


T: Non-emergency: 101; Textphone 18001 101; Emergency: 999

W: Visit Devon and Cornwall Police website

Devon and Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)

The Devon & Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) service provides medical support including examination, as well as practical and emotional support after rape or sexual assault, including counselling.

T: 03003 034626

W: Visit Devon and Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) website

National Chlamydia Screening

If you are over 16 you may be able order a free chlamydia testing kit online that can be posted to you (it is discreetly packaged).

W: Visit National Chlamydia Screening website

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

If you are worried about your own safety, or the safety of another child or young person, contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). If there is an immediate risk, contact the police on 999.

T: 03451 551071 phone lines are open Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm and Friday 9am-4pm


W: Visit Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) website

Intercom Trust

Intercom Trust is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans+ charity and advocacy organisation that is devoted to supporting people from the LGBT+ communities through various services.

T: 08006 123010 Devon office 01392 678744

W: Visit Intercom Trust website


Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Stalking support

FearFree (previously known as Splitz Support Service and FearLess) is a charity working to break the cycle of domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking across the Southwest. They are available to provide advice and support around your safety and emotional wellbeing whether you are affected by domestic abuse within the home or family relationships or within your own intimate relationship. Additionally, they can offer housing, financial, and legal support where appropriate.

T: 03451 551074


W: Visit FearFree website

Young Devon

Young Devon helps you get support with your mental health and wellbeing, build life skills, get your voice heard, grow in confidence, find safe accommodation and develop into a happy, independent adult.

Specific help includes:

T: 08082 810155


W: Visit Young Devon website

Pact – Helping you cope with the imprisonment of a loved one

Pact runs the national Prisoners’ Families Helpline, a free and confidential service which offers practical and emotional support, information and advice to anyone who is affected by imprisonment, in a straightforward, non-judgemental way.

T: 0808 808 2003 (freephone - including most mobiles)


W: Visit Pact – Helping you cope with the imprisonment of a loved one website

Devon Sexual Health

Sexual health services that support healthy relationships and sexual wellbeing across Devon (including Torbay).

Services available include:

  • contraception
  • sexual health
  • sexual wellbeing
  • testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections

T: 03003 033989

W: Visit Devon Sexual Health website

Solihull Online Courses

Solihull provides free online courses for you (there are separate ones your parents can access too).

Your brain changes as you hit adolescence. To find out how the changes explain how your behaviours are also changing, take the module designed just for you.

You will need an access code to enter the modules. Use ‘TAMAR’.

T: 01212 964448


W: Visit Solihull Online Courses website

Opening Times

Available Monday - Friday 9.00am-5.00pm


SPACE youth workers can support you to learn, create and realise your potential by providing a space to hang out with mates, talk about things you can’t ask your parents, gain confidence and try new things.

W: Visit Space website

Self Harm

FREE ONLINE SELF-HARM SUPPORT FOR 11-19’S (Alumina, previously SelfharmUK)

Alumina is a free, online 7-week course for young people struggling with self-harm. You don’t need an adult to refer you or sign you up, and no-one will see or hear you during the sessions – you’ll just join in via the chatbox. The courses take place on different evenings of the week and are run by friendly, trained counsellors and volunteer youth workers. Each course has up to 14 young people, all accessing the sessions from their own phones, tablets or laptops across the UK.


W: Visit FREE ONLINE SELF-HARM SUPPORT FOR 11-19’S (Alumina, previously SelfharmUK) website

Sexual Health

Relationships and Sexual Health



Are you worried about your own or someone else’s sexual thoughts, feelings, or actions?


Shore is a safe and anonymous space for young people worried about sexual behaviour.



Chat Service: Mon – Thurs 5pm-8pm (excluding bank holidays)


W: Visit Relationships and Sexual Health website

Opening Times

Chat Service: Mon – Thurs 5pm-8pm (excluding bank holidays)


X-Plore provides a safe and empowering space for LGBTQ young people in Devon, offering group sessions with trained youth workers.


To join a group get in touch via email, Facebook, or Instagram.


T: 0800 612 3010


W: Visit X-Plore website

Devon and Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)

The Devon & Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) service provides medical support including examination, as well as practical and emotional support after rape or sexual assault, including counselling.

T: 03003 034626

W: Visit Devon and Cornwall Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) website

Condom Service (Doink)

If you are aged 13-24 and live in Devon or Torbay, you can access FREE condoms, dams and lube through Doink. Once you are registered, you can order condoms to be delivered to you or you can pick them up from a collection site.


Doink website to register and order



Devon County Council Health for Under 5’s Website

If you, or your current or ex-partner are pregnant, and there are plans to continue the pregnancy, there are services and benefits available to help support you during the pregnancy and following the birth of your baby.

Learn more about what help is available for young parents on our Health for Under 5’s website.

W: Visit Devon County Council Health for Under 5’s Website website

National Chlamydia Screening

If you are over 16 you may be able order a free chlamydia testing kit online that can be posted to you (it is discreetly packaged).

W: Visit National Chlamydia Screening website

Intercom Trust

Intercom Trust is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans+ charity and advocacy organisation that is devoted to supporting people from the LGBT+ communities through various services.

T: 08006 123010 Devon office 01392 678744

W: Visit Intercom Trust website


Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Stalking support

FearFree (previously known as Splitz Support Service and FearLess) is a charity working to break the cycle of domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking across the Southwest. They are available to provide advice and support around your safety and emotional wellbeing whether you are affected by domestic abuse within the home or family relationships or within your own intimate relationship. Additionally, they can offer housing, financial, and legal support where appropriate.

T: 03451 551074


W: Visit FearFree website

Devon Sexual Health

Sexual health services that support healthy relationships and sexual wellbeing across Devon (including Torbay).

Services available include:

  • contraception
  • sexual health
  • sexual wellbeing
  • testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections

T: 03003 033989

W: Visit Devon Sexual Health website


SPACE youth workers can support you to learn, create and realise your potential by providing a space to hang out with mates, talk about things you can’t ask your parents, gain confidence and try new things.

W: Visit Space website


Stop for Life Devon

If you are 12 years or older and smoke, there is support available for giving up smoking with a dedicated stop smoking practitioner that offers support over 12 weeks.

Get started with support by completing the request through StopForLife.

For general queries, email and for referrals, email



Previously OneSmallStep

T: 0800 122 3866


W: Visit Stop for Life Devon website

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 8.30am - 7.00pm
Saturday 10.00am - 2.00pm