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South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust is responsible for the writing, publishing and updating of the content on this page.
OK, you already know how bad smoking is for you; in fact, you probably know an adult whose health has suffered due to the habit.
Young people today are much more savvy about smoking – with fewer than ever starting to smoke. However, big tobacco companies are actively looking to bring new ‘customers’ into the market, and some 350 young people start smoking in England every day.
67% of smokers start before the age of 16, and 84% by the age of 18
80% of people smoking at the age of 18 will become life-long smokers
Need help on quitting smoking? If you, or someone you know, smokes and wants to quit there’s a wide range of free support locally through Smoke Free Coventry Healthy Life Styles Service.
Text smokefree to 66777 or call 0800 622 6968.