Find Help: Coventry

Those first steps to seeking help are tough but you're in the right place. There are two main routes available to you – we can show you specialist services available in your area or we can put you in touch with your School Nurse.

School Nurses

If you’re aged 11 – 19 and are worried about your health and wellbeing our School Nurses are here to help you with a wide range of issues such as Emotional health, Relationships, Self-harm, Bullying, Alcohol, Healthy eating, Drugs and Smoking and more.

Text your School Nurse:
07507 331 949

If you’d like to talk to your own School Nurse, use the drop down menu below to find out which team of School Nurses cover your school. It will show you all their contact details.

Find your school nurse service
Barr’s Hill School and Community College
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
Bishop Ullathorne Catholic School
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
Blue Coat C of E School
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
Caludon Castle School
School nursing team
Moat House School Nurse Team
School nursing base
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7494
Cardinal Newman Catholic School
School nursing team
Moat House School Nurse Team
School nursing base
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7494
Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School
School nursing team
Moat House School Nurse Team
School nursing base
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7494
Coundon Court School
School nursing team
Moat House School Nurse Team
School nursing base
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7494
Eden Girls School
School nursing team
Moat House School Nursing Team
School nursing base
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7494
Ernesford Grange Community Academy
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
Finham Park 2
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
Finham Park School
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
Foxford School and Community Arts College
School nursing team
School Nurse Team
School nursing base
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7494
Grace Academy
School nursing team
Moat House School Nurse Team
School nursing base
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7494
Lyng Hall School
School nursing team
Moat House School Nurse Team
School nursing base
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7494
President Kennedy School
School nursing team
Moat House School Nurse Team
School nursing base
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7494
Riverbank School
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
Seva School
School nursing team
Moat House School Nurse Team
School nursing base
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7494
Sidney Stringer Academy
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
Stoke Park
School nursing team
Moat House School Nurse Team
School nursing base
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7494
Swanswell Extended Learning Centre
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
The Westwood Academy
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 exr 7417
West Coventry Academy
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
West Coventry Academy
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
Whitley Academy
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
WMG Academy for Young Engineers
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
Woodfield – Stoneleigh Road Site
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
Woodfield-Hawthorne Lane Site
School nursing team
Charter School Nurse Team
School nursing base
312 Charter Avenue, Coventry, CV4 8DA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7417
Wyken Extended Learning Centre
School nursing team
Moat House School Nurse Team
School nursing base
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
School nursing base phone number
01926 495321 ext 7494

Services in your

Find out what services are available to you in your area.

What would you like help with?

Coventry Young Person's Service

Coventry Young Person’s Service is a free and confidential young person’s early intervention and substance misuse service for young people, their families, carers and affected others.

Change Grow Live are excited to be offered the opportunity to work with children and young people in Coventry around making positive choices. We will be supporting young people who might be experiencing difficulties and/or facing risks around sexual health, substance misuse and difficult relationships with their peers. By intervening early and delivering supportive interventions we intend to help young people identify their strengths and build their resilience in the hope that they realise their full potential.

How to contact us

We always welcome new clients, so please get in touch if you are interested in getting help from the service or you’d just like to ask some questions. Feel free to bring someone with you on your first visit.



Childline – online, on the phone, anytime.

You can contact Childline about anything. Whatever your worry, it’s better out than in. Childline supports you and helps you to find ways to cope with your feelings. There are lots of different ways to get in touch with Childline, and you can also get help from other young people through their website.

Call: 0800 1111


Coventry Youth Offending Service

Coventry Youth Offending Services work in partnership with a number of statutory and voluntary agencies, with the shared aims of:

  • Preventing offending amongst young people aged 10 -17 years old in Coventry
  • Understanding and meeting the needs of the victims of youth crime
  • Protecting the public from the impact of youth crime

Cruse Bereavement Care

Most people experience grief at some stage in their lives. This can take many forms and is as individual as you. Cruse Bereavement can support you through this difficult time.

Growing Up


Karma Nirvana’s helpline 0800 5999 247  is open 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday. They offer confidential information, advice and support about forced marriage and honour based violence and won’t contact your family. Website:

Growing Up


Childline – online, on the phone, anytime.

You can contact Childline about anything. Whatever your worry, it’s better out than in. Childline supports you and helps you to find ways to cope with your feelings. There are lots of different ways to get in touch with Childline, and you can also get help from other young people through their website.

Call: 0800 1111


School Nursing

What we do

We provide a named school nurse in each school in Coventry, to help children and young people (from school entry to 19 years old) to take responsibility for their own health and to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

We also assess the health needs of the school community, planning and implementing programmes that promote and protect public health. We work in partnership with other agencies to address wider threats to, and inequalities, in health.

Coventry School Nursing Service supports the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme 5-19 years old (DH 2009) and adheres to the guidance as per Coventry Safeguarding Children’s Board. This includes for example the delivery of the National Child Measurement Programme, Reception and Year 6 Health Assessments and Hearing Screening.

Coventry School Nurses have launched two new websites, one aimed at children and another tailored towards teenagers: offers a fun way for children to learn about health with games, activities and quizzes. hosts videos and webchats as well as articles to educate teenagers on a range of health topics such as contraception, mental health, drugs and alcohol.

Chat Health texting service – Young people aged 11-18 can text us on: 07507 331949

Chat Health is a text messaging service that enables 11-18 year olds across Coventry to send confidential SMS text messages to School Nurses who will provide impartial advice and support between 8:00am-5:00pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank and public holidays. Note: We do check messages during school holidays/closures.

Parent Line texting service – parents/carers can text us on: 07507 329114

Please text “Chat Health” for advice and support from your school nurse, between 8:00am-5:00pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank and public holidays. Note: We do check messages during school holidays/closures.

Parent Line can be reached by calling 01926 626 590 between 5pm and 8pm Monday to Friday for parents to contact a school nurse to discuss any child health concerns they may have.

Unless you give permission, the information you provide will not be shared with other agencies – except in circumstances where we feel you or someone else is at significant risk or there are safeguarding concerns. If we did need to share your conversation, we would always try to speak with you first. In order to provide you with the best possible care, we hold information you tell us, on electronic records that are shared with other relevant health professionals. Your information will be kept secure, accurate and in a manner that is compatible with General Data Protection Regulation. For more information please visit

Our text number does not receive voice calls or MMS picture messages. We support messaging from UK mobile numbers only (which does not include messages sent from landlines, international mobile numbers and some ‘number masking’ mobile apps). To prevent the health visitor from sending messages to you, text STOP to our number. Messages are charged at your usual rates.

Opening Times

Parents can call the School Nurses to discuss any child health concerns they may have, on either of the phone numbers above, depending on which base covers your child’s/children’s school (see table below). The admin team will be in the office between 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday to Friday excluding bank and public holidays. Note: we do work during school holidays/closures.


Coventry Young Person's Service

Coventry Young Person’s Service is a free and confidential young person’s early intervention and substance misuse service for young people, their families, carers and affected others.

Change Grow Live are excited to be offered the opportunity to work with children and young people in Coventry around making positive choices. We will be supporting young people who might be experiencing difficulties and/or facing risks around sexual health, substance misuse and difficult relationships with their peers. By intervening early and delivering supportive interventions we intend to help young people identify their strengths and build their resilience in the hope that they realise their full potential.

How to contact us

We always welcome new clients, so please get in touch if you are interested in getting help from the service or you’d just like to ask some questions. Feel free to bring someone with you on your first visit.



What does SEND Information, Advice and Support Service offer?

We provide impartial and accurate Special Educational Needs and Disability information, advice and support for:

  • parents/carers
  • children (0-15yrs)
  • young people (16-25yrs)

Find an Opticians

NHS Choices website will support you to find a local Opticians.


Children's Speech and Language Therapy

Speech & Language Therapy (SLT) aims to support children and young people to reach their full potential with speech, language and communication. They also support children with feeding and swallowing problems.


Children and Young People's Physiotherapy Service in Coventry

Physiotherapy aims to support children and young people in getting the most from their lives and achieving their physical potential. Physiotherapists work with key people involved in children and young people’s lives such as their families, health professionals, education and social care.


Children and Young People's Occupational Therapy in Coventry

The Occupational Therapy service enables children and young people to participate, as fully as possible, in activities as part of their daily lives. They work with a variety of children and young people, aged between 0-19 years, who have difficulties or a disability which impacts upon their daily participation in activities.


Aspire Family Hub

Address: Humber Avenue, Coventry, CV1 2SF (for Sat Nav use: CV1 2AT)


Families For All Hub


Mosaic Family Hub

Address: Jardine Crescent, Coventry, CV4 9PL


Harmony Family Hub


Moat House Family Hub

Address: Moat House Primary School, Deedmore Road, Coventry, CV2 1EQ


Park Edge Family Hub


Pathways Family Hub

Address: Radford Primary School, Lawrence Saunders Road, Radford, Coventry, CV6 1HD


Woodside Family Hub

Address: Upper Ride, Willenhall Wood, Coventry, CV3 3GL


What is a Family Hub?

The family hub model is an approach to the delivery of early help services centralised around a building, where a number of different services providing information and support to families, children and young people are based. They will provide early help and support for families, children and young people aged 0 – 19 years up to age 24 where a young person has a disability.


Coventry Young Person's Service

Coventry Young Person’s Service is a free and confidential young person’s early intervention and substance misuse service for young people, their families, carers and affected others.

Change Grow Live are excited to be offered the opportunity to work with children and young people in Coventry around making positive choices. We will be supporting young people who might be experiencing difficulties and/or facing risks around sexual health, substance misuse and difficult relationships with their peers. By intervening early and delivering supportive interventions we intend to help young people identify their strengths and build their resilience in the hope that they realise their full potential.

How to contact us

We always welcome new clients, so please get in touch if you are interested in getting help from the service or you’d just like to ask some questions. Feel free to bring someone with you on your first visit.


Stop Smoking Service

The Healthy Lifestyle Service helps you and your family achieve the best possible health. They provide a range of lifestyle services across Coventry including a 12-week support service to help people stop smoking.

Opening Times

Monday: 1530 - 1900; Wednesday: 1630-1900; Thursday: 1030-1430; Friday: 0900-1230


Coventry Young Carers

As a young carer you may help out by going shopping, cooking, cleaning, making sure the person you care for takes their medicine, talking and listening to them when they are not very happy, looking after your brothers and sisters or anything else that helps out at home. Coventry Young Carers can help you by listening to you when you want to talk.


Find a Dentist

NHS Choices website will support you to find a local NHS dentist.


Be Active Be Healthy

Be Active Be Healthy is part of the Coventry Family Health and Lifestyle Service (OBOL) who have recently joined the South Warwickshire Foundation Trust.   This is a community based weight management programme for families and individuals who want to lead a healthier lifestyle.

FREE 8 – 10 week programmes across Coventry aimed at helping people to make real changes to their lives by looking at their eating and exercise habits.

These include: Family Programmes 5 to 14 years, 2 to 4 year olds, Buggy Workout Extra for new mums, One Body one Life Active Kids – children only, Bump and Buggy Workout.


Opening Times

Monday - Friday 9.00 am - 5 pm.



Would you or your family like to be healthier and happier? Would you like loads of ideas, recipes and games to help you do this? Then you already know why you should join Change 4 Life.

To join Change 4 Life, please see:



Childline – online, on the phone, anytime.

You can contact Childline about anything. Whatever your worry, it’s better out than in. Childline supports you and helps you to find ways to cope with your feelings. There are lots of different ways to get in touch with Childline, and you can also get help from other young people through their website.

Call: 0800 1111


Horizon - Child Sexual Exploitation Service Coventry

Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a form of sexual abuse in which a child or young person is manipulated or forced into taking part in a sexual act. If you suspect that a child or young person is at risk or experiencing child sexual exploitation call the police on 101 or 999 in an emergency. Alternatively, contact The Referral and Assessment Center on 024 7678 8555 (out of hours 024 7683 2222).


PRISM- A Coventry based LGBTQ Youth Group

Prism Youth Group (aka ‘Prism’) is a social space for people between the ages of 13 and 21. Prism provides a safe environment for you to meet with other young LGBTQ people, as well as get support along the way with issues in your life.

Contact us for further information:

Opening Times

Thursday evening's between 18:00 and 20:00

Sexual Health


What we do

The aim of MAMTA is to improve Child and Maternal Health outcomes for BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) women in Coventry.

MAMTA staff support antenatal clinics; postnatal clinics; Parent craft sessions at FWT; and work in partnership with midwives, health visiting teams and other health professionals in educating women on key health messages.

We work across community settings in target areas to educate women on child and maternal health, encourage women to access services and book early into maternity services.

Sexual Health

Health Visiting

What we do

We work to improve the health and wellbeing of children and families in the crucial first years of life.

Our Health Visiting teams offer friendly support and advice and we work closely with GPs, midwives, school nurses and the wider local community.

The service is universal to all children and families, with a wider service to those with additional needs.

Your community

A range of services are provided by your local family hub and the wider community. Click on the link for more information:

Universal Services – Offered to all

We provide the Healthy Child Programme to ensure a healthy start for your child, ongoing support for parents, and access to a range of community based services and resources. It is a universal service that is offered to all parents and includes:

  • a visit and check when your baby is 10-14 days old
  • a review for you and your baby at 6-8 weeks carried out by your GP/Health Visitor
  • a 10- 12 month health review
  • a 2-2 ½ year review, usually carried out by a nursery nurse

Targeted – Specific support when you need it

Targeted support gives parents an expert response from health visitors when specific help is needed. This may be in the case of:

  • Post-natal depression
  • Sleep problems
  • Breastfeeding
  • Other feeding issues
  • Speech development
  • Concerns regarding your child’s behaviour and/or development

Specialist – Ongoing support for families with more complex needs

Specialist support provides ongoing support from health visiting teams plus a range of local services that help with more complex issues. These include Family Hubs, other community services including some charities when appropriate, and the Family Nurse Partnership. For example:

  • Families living with disabilities
  • Mental health issues
  • Drug and alcohol related problems
  • Learning disabilities
  • Complex family circumstances
  • Support with domestic violence

Well baby clinics

Click here for a list of dates for Well Baby clinics.

Contact and Location

Telephone: 02475 189190


ChatHealth Text Only service: 07507329114


Teams 1, 3, 6 & 7
1st Floor, Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, 1 Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA

Teams 2, 4 & 5
312 Charter Avenue, Tile Hill, Coventry, CV4 8DA

For advice and support please text ChatHealth on 07507 329 114 9:00am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank and public holidays).

Should you need to speak to a Health Visitor please call 02475 189 190, 8:30am – 4.00 pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank and public holidays).

If your Child is unwell please see your GP, ring 111, or if it is a Medical Emergency please ring 999.

Sexual Health

Infant Feeding

What we do

The Coventry Infant Feeding Team are here to help families make an informed decision about how to feed their baby, to support families through their feeding journey and beyond.

Who we are

We are a team of UNICEF BFI Trained and Accredited Infant Feeding Peer Support Workers, we offer support to Coventry families throughout pregnancy and after baby has been born.

What does our team offer?

  • Mother/Parent is allocated an infant feeing peer support worker.
  • Information on building a close and loving relationship with your baby, before and after baby is born.
  • Antenatal support.
  • Details of the health benefits of breastfeeding.
  • Information on brain development, oxytocin, effective milk transfer, responsive feeding and more.
  • Home visits.
  • Virtual Support such as weekday video and telephone consultation and text message support.
  • Twice weekly feeding cafes.
  • Infant feeding peer support worker lead clinics.
  • Specialist infant feeding clinics.
  • Weekly virtual antenatal class.
  • Video masterclasses on common feeding issues.
  • Pump hire.
  • Staff training.
  • Direction to our social media handles, which is updated with information and support.
  • Unicef’s Baby Friendly Initiative, we have been awarded re-accreditation and are now going for gold!

Our Working Partners

  • University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
  • Health Visiting
  • Maternity Services
  • Family Health and Lifestyle Service Coventry
  • Coventry University

We aim to:

  • Promote breastfeeding
  • Skin to skin
  • Emotional attachment and bonding
  • Responsive feeding and parenting
  • Relationship building, building a happy baby

We offer virtual consultations, breastfeeding support clinics and home visiting.

Sexual Health

Stop Smoking in Pregnancy

What we do

At your first appointment with your Midwife you will be asked to do a simple breath test for carbon monoxide (CO). CO is a toxic gas released from tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes and faulty gas appliances. CO is extremely harmful to you and your baby:

  • Each time you smoke your baby is deprived of the oxygen s/he needs to grow for about 20 minutes
  • It deprives your muscles, brain and body tissues of oxygen
  • It damages your placenta
  • It restricts the oxygen supply to your baby
  • It can lead to poor growth, premature birth and still birth

Why should you quit smoking?

The earlier you stop the better. But it’s never too late to quit!

  • Your baby will feel the benefits straight away
  • You will reduce the risk of your baby being born underweight and under-developed

You and your baby will be free from CO in less than 24 hours


  • More money to spend on you and your baby
  • More time to spend with your family
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Better health in the future

We want you to have the best chance of a healthy and happy baby so we refer all smokers to the NHS Stop Smoking in Pregnancy Service for help to quit.

We’re not here to tell you to stop. We’re here to help if you want to quit.

We’re here to give you honest, unbiased support to help you take steps towards a healthy, smoke-free pregnancy. We offer free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to all our clients, including patches and gum to help you quit, and are always on hand to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

Our specialist advisors are available to come to your home to chat through the options and work with you, one to one, to help you achieve your goal. We know everyone is different and our advisors have the knowledge and experience to help find the best way forward for you. And it doesn’t end with just one session. We will be there for you with regular appointments throughout your pregnancy to help, encourage and advise.

Normally, you can access our services by being referred by your midwife but if you want to, call us FREE on: 07904984620 and tell us you are pregnant and would like to quit smoking, we will put you in touch with your local Stop Smoking in Pregnancy Advisor, and a home visit will be arranged.


Sexual Health

Family Nurse Partnership

What we do

We are a voluntary programme for young first time mothers (and their partners), aged 19 years or under. Our specially trained nurses provide regular home visits, from early pregnancy up until your child is aged one or you can choose to stay until your child is aged two. FNP uses methods based on attachment theory, relationships, and self-efficacy. Your family nurse will build a trusting and supportive relationship with you and your family, they will guide you so that you will be able to adopt healthier lifestyles for yourself and your baby, provide good care for your baby and toddler, and plan your future. Your family nurse will also deliver the Healthy child Programme during this time.

Your family nurse will help you with the following:

· Your life skills

· Your health and wellbeing

· Looking after your baby

· Your baby’s development

· Safety and stability

· Connecting with your baby

· Relationships

· Family and support network

· Goals and aspirations

We hope to be able to give everyone a place on the programme, however, if the programme is full, you will be supported by other services and your midwife will help with this.


FNP visits begin before your baby is born, with weekly visits to begin with and then every two weeks. After your baby’s birth your family nurse will offer you weekly visits for the first six weeks. Your family nurse will also explore with you about the support you need and offer a personalised approach to your care in pregnancy, after the birth of your baby and throughout the time you are on the programme. You and your allocated nurse will decide what to cover in each visit and your family nurse is always available to talk through any concerns you have in-between visits.

Your family nurse can work with you up until your baby is 2 years old, however there is an option to graduate from the programme when your child is 1 years old. Your family nurse will discuss and support you with this. When you graduate from the FNP programme your nurse will ensure a sensitive and timely handover to your local health visiting team. Your nurse will make sure you are aware of the team and your allocated health visitor and will arrange a joint home visit if that is what you would like.

The FNP programme is voluntary to join. If you would like further information or just have a chat about what the programme offers, please contact the team as we are happy to talk.

Dads or partners are welcome to join in if the mum would like them to. You don’t have to be in a relationship for dads to attend.

Sexual Health

Coventry Young Person's Service

Coventry Young Person’s Service is a free and confidential young person’s early intervention and substance misuse service for young people, their families, carers and affected others.

Change Grow Live are excited to be offered the opportunity to work with children and young people in Coventry around making positive choices. We will be supporting young people who might be experiencing difficulties and/or facing risks around sexual health, substance misuse and difficult relationships with their peers. By intervening early and delivering supportive interventions we intend to help young people identify their strengths and build their resilience in the hope that they realise their full potential.

How to contact us

We always welcome new clients, so please get in touch if you are interested in getting help from the service or you’d just like to ask some questions. Feel free to bring someone with you on your first visit.

Sexual Health

Coventry Sexual Health Hub

The Coventry Sexual Health Hub is based at Level 1 West Orchards Shopping Centre (opposite the Coventry City football shop), West Orchards Way, CV1 1QX.

Young people from age 13 can access our service through walk in and appointments.

Telephone number:  0300 247 0069

Opening Times

Walk in clinic at 8:00am Monday - Friday.

Sexual Health


Childline – online, on the phone, anytime.

You can contact Childline about anything. Whatever your worry, it’s better out than in. Childline supports you and helps you to find ways to cope with your feelings. There are lots of different ways to get in touch with Childline, and you can also get help from other young people through their website.

Call: 0800 1111

Sexual Health

BeSavvy - C Card

BeSavvy is an online resource provided by Coventry City Council that supports Young People and Parents on Relationship and Sexual Health Advice. The website content includes important information relating to a wide range of subjects, a directory of services in the Coventry area and resources for Sexual Health Professionals.