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About SAFE!
SAFE! is an independent charity providing support to children and families around the Thames Valley who have been affected by crime or abuse through one-to-one and group sessions. We strive to be truly accessible and inclusive, no matter your personal circumstances, identity or background.
SAFE! has three core services for children and families living anywhere in the Thames Valley:
The Young Victim Service provides support to children aged 5 up to 18 who have been harmed by an experience of victimisation.
The Building Respectful Families Service provides support to families experiencing Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA).’
The SASH Bucks project provides support after abuse and sexual harm to children and families living in Buckinghamshire.
For details on how to refer, please visit our Routes to Help page
SAFE! also offers training for professionals.
We use interpretation services whenever required to ensure we can meet the needs of any young person or parent/carer. Â We can help if you have any special requirements to access our support.
You can find SAFE! on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok, under the handle @safesupportyp or on Facebook under AboutSafeProject